Courtesy TRECO
Tongue River Electric is proud to announce the winners of this year's Youth Tour competition: Gracie Gali and Maggie Mader. Both students are juniors at Powder River County High School and have earned the opportunity to participate in the prestigious Youth Tour program in Washington, D.C., this June.
The Youth Tour is an annual event that brings together high school juniors and seniors from across the nation to explore the rich history of the United States, learn about the vital role electric cooperatives play in our communities, and engage with national leaders. Over 30 states participate in this life-changing experience, organized by the National Rural Electric Cooperatives' Association (NRECA), statewide associations like MECA, and local electric cooperatives like Tongue River Electric.
To earn their spot on the Youth Tour, students were challenged to write an essay responding to the question: What was the most important event to have occurred in our nation during your lifetime? How did it affect you?
Gracie Gali impressed the cooperative with her essay, titled "A Country Divided," in which she reflected on the profound impact of the 2020 Election and its influence on the nation and her perspective as a young citizen. Maggie Mader's winning essay focused on the global COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting her interest in becoming a nurse and the impact COVID-19 had on health care and the importance of public health.
Gracie and Maggie will join other exceptional students in Washington, D.C., where they will tour national monuments, visit historical sites, and meet with elected representatives to gain firsthand insight into the legislative process. This experience aims to inspire the next generation of leaders and foster a deeper appreciation for the democratic process and the cooperative spirit.
Congratulations to Gracie Gali and Maggie Mader for their hard work, insightful essays, and well-deserved selection as Youth Tour winners! Tongue River Electric is honored to support their journey and looks forward to hearing about their experiences in our nation's capital.
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