Commissioner Proceedings

Monday, December 16, 2024

Commissioner Chair Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Lori Fortner and John Olson were present.

Commissioners reviewed and approved the consent agenda. The minutes of December 9, 2024, commissioner proceedings were read, approved, and ordered published.

The board reviewed and signed the annual financial reports for the Belle Creek Fire District, Biddle Fire District, Powder River Soil Conservation District, and the PR TV District.

A Zoom meeting was held with Brandon Duffy, Great West Engineering and Talana Adams, Federal Lands. The FLAP update began via Zoom. Invoicing for the FLAP grant was discussed and Great West Engineer Brandon Duffy offered to proceed with the invoicing for the county. All the gravel has been crushed and they are waiting until spring moisture to work on the Belle Creek Road. Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, joined the meeting.

Mid-month claims were presented and signed for approval.

An informational Family Medical Leave Act meeting began with Teel Mullanix, Rich Aubert, John Kramme, Dan McDowell, Road Department employees, all Commissioners, Clerk and Recorder Cynde Jo Gatlin, and by Zoom Pam Walling and Deanna Carpenter, MACO health insurance representatives present. The Road Department employees requested a meeting to discuss the county and federal government FMLA requirements to maintain county health benefits. MACO representatives educated the attendees at the meeting on the policies and procedures for FMLA. The county requirement is 130 hours per calendar month to maintain health insurance benefits. The employee must use sick or vacation days or be working to maintain this coverage after FMLA runs out.

At 1:00 p.m. there was a meeting with Nathan Schroht, KLJ Engineering, and Roxanne Trotta, with the FAA. They met with the board via Zoom to discuss the pavement replacement project at the airport. The project is estimated to cost $210,000.00, with 95% grant funding and 5% county match.

Clerk & Recorder Cynde Jo Gatlin met with the board to present the refund request from the federal government to be reimbursed on the Provider Relief Funds. Hattie Arithson, County Treasurer, joined the meeting. Gatlin stated the county failed to properly report in 2020 on the relief funds and now the federal government (CMS) is requiring reimbursement with penalties and interest. Gatlin stated she has been working with the nursing home business office to prove the reports were done and submitted but they have failed to find the documentation needed.

At this time, Gatlin stated there is not much else that can be done, and the reimbursement should be made. The reimbursement will need to be done by wire transfer and Hattie Arithson agreed to make the transfer with Commissioner approval. Lori Fortner motioned to authorize the County Treasurer to wire the funds to pay back the Provider Relief Funds that were not reported correctly, John Olson seconded the motion, motion carried.

The requested closed meeting with an employee was cancelled by the employee.

The commissioners then attended a joint meeting with the Predator Control Board in the election room.

After the Predator Control Board meeting the board spent the remainder of the day reading correspondence and taking care of various administrative duties. The board cancelled the December 23, 2024 meeting and adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Commissioner Chair Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Lori Fortner and John Olson were present.

Commissioners reviewed and approved the consent agenda. Minutes from December 16, 2024 were read, approved and order published.

The board entered a closed meeting requested by an employee.

Clerk & Recorder Cynde Gatlin met with a board to discuss various items. Gatlin presented the resignations of various county employees. She then presented a lease agreement for the State of Montana Motor Vehicle Division to use office space for renewal of driver’s licenses in the courthouse and the board signed the agreement.

The airport hangar project financial reports were presented and signed by the board. Gatlin presented the coal seam mapping proposal that Cory Cheguis, Custer County DES Coordinator, presented to the county for their review. Gatlin also informed the board she has deputized Terri Gonce as Deputy Clerk and Recorder effective December 16, 2024. Gatlin then requested the board to review the county policy to purchase gravel and update the policy from loads to weight. The board agreed to investigate updating the policy. The county has been approved to submit the 2024 Audit in lieu of the Annual Financial Report by the Montana Department of Administration.

During the day claims were reviewed and approved for payment of various county departmental expenses as submitted by the Clerk & Recorder’s office.

The board then began a public hearing to receive public comment for the 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Plan. No public comment was heard.

Resolution 2024-28, Resolution of the County Commissioner of Powder River County, Montana, Adopting the Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Years 2025-2029, John Olson motioned to approve, Lori Fortner seconded the motion, motion carried.

Resolution 2024-29, Local Option Tax, John Olson motioned to approve, Lori Fortner seconded the motion, motion carried.

Swearing in for re-elected county officials Lee Randall, County Commissioner and Vanna Byrd, Clerk of District Court was conducted in the courthouse lobby.

After hearing no further public comment, the board adjourned at 4:00 p.m.


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