Broadus Town Council Minutes


Regular Council Meeting

December 3, 2024 @ 6:00 pm

Present at the meeting were Clerk/Treasurer Josie Morris, Mayor Chad Gatlin, Councilperson Wanda Smith, Councilperson Lori Turnbough, Councilperson Raevyn Slovek, Public Works Raymond Ragsdale and Councilperson Cody Morris via phone call.

Mayor Gatlin called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Council began the meeting with the consent agenda items of reviewing the previous meeting minutes from 11-06-2024 and claims forms from period 10/24, 11/24 and beginning of 12/24. Resolution 2024-08 designating and authorizing the Town Clerk as the Enforcement Officer for Code of Ordinances; public nuisance was approved and signed by the mayor along with the updated Certificate of Appointment and Legal Services Agreement with Jeff Noble. Councilperson Slovek made a motion to approve all consent agenda items, Councilperson Turnbough seconded the motion; motion carried.

No unfinished business to discuss. Staff reports began with Public Works Ragsdale updating council on the status of ongoing ARPA projects as well as an estimated start time for the Amende sewer project. Clerk Morris gave the report from Public Works Zimmer that all mowers have been fixed, serviced, and stored for winter. We received 3 loads of 1 ½ washed and 4 ¾ crushed gravel, he has been working to smooth and maintain alleys, driveways, and rights-of-ways along with branch picking up and tree trimming. He also took down the fence by the old recycling center to set the Connex box for the Chamber; the fence will be put back up in spring. Lastly, as of Monday, December 2nd, Zimmer was medically released back to full duty. Clerk Morris then gave her report on administrative side including an update on registration and progress of the new payment portal since launching as well as daily accounting tasks. Clerk Morris has been working with Public Works Ragsdale on the ARPA projects handling finances and submitting reports on continued work as well as invoices as they are received. Clerk Morris will have training on the reconciliation of the payment portal yet this week and opened the topic of discussion on limiting the number of animals per residence within the town limits. Nothing has been decided at this time and there will be further discussion. Lastly, the clerk informed council members that she will be out of the office December 5th, 6th, 9th, and 10th with mayor approval.

With nothing further to be presented before the council at regular meeting, Mayor Gatlin called for a motion to adjourn. Councilperson Turnbough moved to adjourn, Councilperson Morris seconded the motion. Mayor Gatlin adjourned the regular meeting of the Broadus Town Council at 6:33 p.m.

Chad Gatlin, Mayor

Josie Morris, Clerk/Treasurer


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