Court Report

Powder River Co. Sheriff’s Office

Menziani Meziane, Walnut Creek, CA, speeding in restricted zone (44/30) $65.

Alan Kirk, Beechmont, KY, speeding in restricted zone (45/30) $65.


Aaron Flaht, Leduc, AB, speeding in restricted zone (86/65) $95.

Jeffrey Balon, Saskatoon, SN, daytime speeding (80/70) $20.

Mark Barnett, Everett, WA, speeding in restricted zone (87/65) $95.

Kyle Fries, Lubbock, TX, speeding in restricted zone (75/65) $55.

Ruperto Gonzales, Ashland, MT, speeding in restricted zone (70/65) $55.

Iraima Gonzalez Villarreal, Seattle, WA, speeding in restricted zone (95/65) $105.

Daniel Walker, Simpsonville, SC, reckless endangerment of emergency personnel, $285.

J Luke Hess, Fenimore, WI, speeding in restricted zone (75/65) $55.

Chanel Jackson, Boston, MA, speeding in restricted zone (80/65) $65.

Rico Lopez, Manteo, NC, stop sign violation, $85.

Loretta Miller, Douglas, AZ, daytime speeding (84/70) $70.

Brandon Prest, Bend, OR, speeding in restricted zone (75/65) $55.

Leah Smith, Astoria, OR, speeding in restricted zone (75/65) $55.

James Whitehead, Sumrall, MS, improper passing, $85.

Jon Wismer, Gaston, OR, speeding in restricted zone (75/65) $55.

Marty Walker, North Bend, WA, speeding in restricted zone (75/65) $55.

Alberto Cruz, Midland, TX, daytime speeding (84/70) $70.

Francisco Mancilla-Sanchez, Bozeman, MT, speeding in restricted zone (85/65) $85.

Au’Junay Nolan, Kansas City, MO, speeding in restricted zone (80/65) $65.

Loren Atencio, Sparks, NV, daytime speeding (87/70) $70.

Christian Sachs, Bad Koetzing, GE, speeding in restricted zone (80/65) dismissed by court- cannot effectuate due process.

Twila Lockwood, Taylor, TX, speeding in restricted zone (54/30) $95.

Hilda Thomas, Billings, MT, speeding in restricted zone (75/65) $55.

Esther Strackbein, Broadus, MT, seatbelt violation, $20.

Kyle Repp, Gettysburg, PA, daytime speeding (88/70) $70.

Leah Lorber, Oskaloosa, IA, speeding in restricted zone (40/30) $55.

Jaime Ingram, Spokane Valley, WA, speeding in restricted zone (90/65) $95.

Scott Hehl, West Fork, AR, speeding in restricted zone (75/65) $55.

John Harris Jr, Federal Way, WA, speeding in restricted zone (93/65) $105.

Paul Fletcher, Hampton, VA, speeding in restricted zone (75/65) $55.

Luis Dominguez-Valenzuela, Albuquerque, NM, daytime speeding (80/70) $20.

Montana Dept. GVW

Matthew Goodnight, Pocatello ID, exceeding 53’ max semi-trailer length, $85.

Edy Hernandez, Colorado Sprgs., CO, fail to follow cond. of special permit, $135.

Dushawn Baker, Murfreesboro, TN, no driver shall use within 4 hrs. of going on duty, be under the influence of or possess alcohol, $535.

Rafael Soto, Quere Toro, MX, interstate/international MC operating w/o payment of fee, $85.

Rafael Soto, Quere Toro, MX, fail to obey direction to be weighed, $235.

Gary Sullivan, Mayfield, KY, no/expired periodic annual inspection, $135.

Siarhei Radkevich, Bothell, WA, fail to follow cond. of special permit, $135.

William Harrell, Fresno, TX, exceeding 75’ max length for comb. of vehicles, $85.


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