Broadus Town Council Minutes


Regular Council Meeting

November 6, 2024 @ 6:00 pm

Present at the meeting were Clerk/Treasurer Josie Morris, Mayor Chad Gatlin, Councilperson Wanda Smith, Councilperson Lori Turnbough, Councilperson Cody Morris, Public Works Raymond Ragsdale and Guest Jim Atchison.

Mayor Gatlin called the meeting to order at 5:58 pm and lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

Council began the meeting with the consent agenda items of reviewing the previous meeting minutes from 10/01/2024 and claims forms from period 9/24 and 10/24. Councilperson Turnbough made a motion to approve all consent agenda items, Councilperson Morris seconded the motion; motion carried.

Public comment open; Jim Atchison from Southeastern Montana Development Co. came to the council meeting to give council members an annual update on the corporation as well as updated financials on their ability to help cities, towns, and counties along with updated population numbers. SEMDC has aided the Town of Broadus and Powder River County in terms of obtaining funding when needed for projects and showcasing programs that are necessary for our area. Jim was also here to ask for the council’s approval in paying the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Membership Dues to continue being a part of their corporation. Council already approved the claim sheet for the membership dues in the aforementioned consent agenda where claims sheets were signed by council members.

Lastly, Jim presented Mayor Gatlin with a Certificate of Appreciation for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 for being a member of their corporation. This certificate will be displayed in the Town of Broadus Office with other certificates.

Unfinished business began with addressing the draft of updated personnel policy that will be reviewed with Councilperson Smith tomorrow (November 7, 2024) afternoon and with Councilperson Turnbough and Slovek at a later date. Clerk Morris has already met with Councilperson Morris to review his comments and questions on the policy. The final updated document will be reviewed once more before passing into effect.

Staff reports began with Public Works Ragsdale explaining the process of tapping a new water line from the main line to a curb stop for a new connection/hookup as well as giving insight to the costs the Town incurs tapping a new line in terms of materials, parts, labor, and hiring a contractor. The current Water Utility Ordinance, updated as of 2024, does not currently state a defined base rate or fee for new connections/hookups.

Clerk Morris and Public Works Ragsdale have been working to find a more accurate cost of new hookups to determine the cost to bill citizens. A new hookup/connection is a one-time fee paid when there is no established water line from the main line to a curb stop on an empty lot, vacant lot, old house, recently sold property, etc.

After considerable discussion, the base fee for a new connection/hookup will be $1,100 with an additional charge for employee or contractor labor as well as asphalt or cold mix if necessary to patch a road/street/alley. Mayor Gatlin requested a motion to approve this decided base fee; Councilperson Turnbough make a motion to approve the $1,100 base fee with any additional labor or material charges from town or contractor, Councilperson Morris seconded the motion; motion approved.

The council came to this decision of a base fee by reviewing the costs of parts, materials, and labor associated with an installation of a new service line as of November 6, 2024 presented by Ragsdale. The current pricing is as follows: curb stop $120.00, corporation stop $120.00, corporation saddle 6” $194.00, curb rise $70.00, curb rod $20.00, pipe ¾ or 1” usually $40.00 as well as fittings for up to $40.00. Then the use of the backhoe and labor contracted out is typically $155.00 per hour; the number of hours varying depending on the job and any complications, however it can take up to a full day with overseeing, ordering parts, digging/boring, tapping, etc. Therefore, the total cost as noted above is around $800.00 plus an estimate of 1 day (8-hour work day) in terms of hours of labor ($30-50 per hour for town employee and $155.00 per hour for contractor) to factor in weather conditions, and/or complications makes the total base fee of $1,100. Public Works Ragsdale then discussed the new sewer project in part of Vallejo Loop that Dale and Karen Amende own. This project will involve running the sewer line from the manhole near Amende’s residence to connect 3 other lots that currently have septic tanks failing. The Town will not bill the project, it will be billed by the contractor(s) and Amende’s will be responsible for the full bill. Public Works Ragsdale will be assisting and overseeing the project along with the contractor(s).

Moving forward, Public Works Zimmer was not in attendance but gave Clerk Morris a small report to share to council. Zimmer has been busy catching up on inventory, orders, repair and maintenance of equipment as well as daily tasks. Zimmer is not cleared to be back to full time yet but is continuing physical therapy and appointments to maintain progress.

Lastly, Clerk Morris updated council on the launch of BMS Pay online portal being successful thus far with all citizens being made aware and able to register for the new method of payment. All other methods of payment including cash, check, money order, and drop box are still available and accepted. Clerk Morris also addressed the ordinance notices and letters that were sent over the last month with a total of seven citizens receiving letters at this time. A brief update of the ongoing civil matter between the Town of Broadus and a citizen was also addressed.

With nothing further to be presented before the council at regular meeting, Councilperson Morris moved to adjourn, Councilperson Turnbough seconded the motion. Mayor Gatlin adjourned the regular meeting of the Broadus Town Council at 7:31 p.m.

Chad Gatlin, Mayor

Josie Morris, Clerk/Treasurer


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