Broadus Town Council Minutes


Regular Council Meeting

September 3, 2024 @ 6:00 pm

Present at the meeting were Clerk/Treasurer Josie Morris, Public Works Raymond Ragsdale, Councilperson Wanda Smith, Councilperson Lori Turnbough, Councilperson Cody Morris, Councilperson Raevyn Slovek via phone and guests Tracy Thomas, Donna Wilson and Alyson Ragsdale.

Clerk Morris called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. and lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Council began the meeting with the consent agenda items of claims forms from accounting periods 8/24 and 9/24. Councilperson Turnbough made a motion to approve consent agenda items, Councilperson Morris seconded the motion; motion carried. Previous meeting minutes from 08-27-2024 will be reviewed at the next meeting.

Public comment open; Tracy Thomas took the floor first on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce to address their request of purchasing a 9 ½ ft tall by 40 ft long storage container to potentially place on town property. Possible locations discussed were by the old Recycling Center building or somewhere near the Multipurpose Barn at the Fairgrounds.

The Chamber addressed the County Commissioners on this request and was directed to the Town Council from there. Clerk Morris and Public Works Ragsdale stated they would be in contact with Mayor Gatlin as well as other Public Works members to decide the location. The Chamber has hopes of consolidating their storage in town as it is currently spread out in many areas.

Next, Tracy spoke on behalf of the Powder River Area Economic Development Council regarding the Pilot Tourism Grant they received. The PRAEDC needs an estimate of funds necessary for the proposed projects of repairing the Cottonwood Park bathrooms to put in their planning documentation in this phase of the grant. Public Works Zimmer had given them a list of possible projects at an earlier date when first applying for this grant. Mayor Gatlin will coordinate with all Public Works departments as well as the Clerk to come up with an estimate and relay it to Tracy Thomas or Melissa Billing.

Next, Donna Wilson took the floor to propose a temporary Public Works Department help while Public Works Zimmer remains on leave.

Public Works Zimmer did allocate funds for a temporary or part-time employee when he submitted his fiscal year 2024-2025 budget and this was previously discussed by himself and Public Works Wilson. Councilperson Turnbough make a motion to complete the two-week advertising process; Councilperson Morris seconded the motion; all in favor; motion carried. Clerk Morris will work to get an advertisement in the Powder River Examiner. Public Works Wilson also had a question regarding donations, fees, or something similar to work toward taking care of stray animals within the town limits.

The Town receives funding from an umbrella fund at the Broadus IGA, however those funds are not guaranteed every year as they are applied to many things in the town and county. Possible advertisement will be placed for anyone wanting to donate funds toward food, spay and neutering, vaccination, and rehoming fees for stray animals.

Unfinished business began with reviewing the proposed changes to Ordinances 2015-01 Water Utility and 2002-01 Dog and Cat. Ordinance 2015-01 Water Utility has proposed a $28.00 fee for NSF checks received by the Town and Ordinance 2002-01 has increased fine amounts on all penalties or violations on licensing, vaccination, nuisance, running at large, etc. that will be enforced by Powder River County Sheriff’s Office through the Interlocal Agreement between the Town of Broadus and Powder River County. Councilperson Turnbough made a motion to approve proposed changes on creating a fee for NSF checks; Councilperson Smith seconded the motion; motion carried.

Second reading of the Water Utility ordinance has been considered and passed for the first time. Final reading and passing will occur on October 1, 2024 and go into effect on October 31, 2024 (30 days from signing). Second reading and consideration of the Dog and Cat ordinance signed and passed upon Councilperson Turnbough making a motion to approve penalty and violation amounts; Councilperson Morris seconded; motion carried. These changes will go into effect as of October 3, 2024 (30 days from now).

Staff Reports began with Public Works Ragsdale discussing the floodplain adjustments on a new map that he received from the State of Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation while he was out on leave. Ragsdale has contacted DNRC and set up a meeting to review the changes and ensure understanding of it.

Next, Ragsdale discussed the GIS Software that he proposed as a part of the updates to the water and wastewater systems by better managing water meters, fire hydrants, man holes, water turn on/off valves, pipe replacements, residential or business updates to systems, mapping, lead and copper reports, etc.

Ragsdale stated that the software is normally estimated to be $3,000 per year but when it was expressed that the Town of Broadus has less resources and funding than some other towns/cities, the software was offered to the Town of Broadus for 2 years at the original cost of $3,000; essentially receiving a year free on cost. Councilperson Turnbough made a motion to obtain a contract for the $3,000 spread out over 2 years; Councilperson Morris seconded the motion; motion carried.

Ragsdale will work to obtain the contract and official write ups for the software. Then Ragsdale discussed the MIDCO diving project for ARPA that was completed in August. A diving team went into the storage tank while it was full of water to repair any issues or faults in the material. Reimbursement for this project will come from ARPA funding.

There is also a sewer line replacement in progress that can go towards ARPA if it stays under total cost of $80,000 and does not require to be bid out according to Town policy if under that amount for entire project. Ragsdale will work to obtain parts for the project through his own resources instead of through contract to save cost on hiring outside help. BDJ Construction will be assisting the Town with this project.

With approval of council, Ragsdale will sign the letter to the Department of Environmental Quality to finalize ARPA documentation for the sewer line replacement. Lastly, Henry Shovic who is working with the County for readdressing and 911 completion has given the Town of Broadus a quote for maximum of $5,600 to assist the town with updating service addresses to match the County as well as 911 emergency services. This quote was figured into the fiscal year 2024-2025 budget under Public Works water and wastewater systems as well as administrative on servicing. No motion necessary as this will be approved when final budget is reviewed for passing.

Clerk Morris began her reports with addressing the updated Interlocal Agreement for Law Enforcement with the County in effect from July 2024 to June of 2027 for the same amount of $1,750 per month totaling $21,000 per fiscal year. Council signed new agreement; copy will go to County Clerk and Recorder. Black Mountain Software introduced an online pay option in recent months that the Town was considering upon the adequate funding in budget as well as adequate desire for it within the community.

The quoted annual amount is $1,200 in addition to our other software programs through Black Mountain. This software will add an additional pay option of online in coordination with existing forms of payment which include cash, check and money order.

This software will work directly with the billing software we already have. The choice for online and automatic payments will be provided as well as emailed billing and more. This will be available in the next few months for any community members interested in it but not required. Clerk Morris will ensure to post an advertisement in the paper when it is fully launched as well as on the website and Facebook page.

Councilperson Turnbough make a motion to sign the contract for BMS online pay software, Councilperson Slovek seconded via phone call; motion carried. Review of the updated personnel policy manual has been postponed to the next regular council meeting on October 1, 2024 at 6:00; all council members in favor.

Public comment open on all council meeting items; no comment received.

With nothing further to be presented before the council, Councilperson Turnbough moved to adjourn, Councilperson Morris seconded the motion. Clerk Morris adjourned the regular council meeting of the Broadus Town Council at 7:00 p.m.

Chad Gatlin, Mayor

Josie Morris, Clerk/Treasurer


Final Budget Hearing

September 3, 2024 @ 7:00 pm

Present at the meeting were Clerk/Treasurer Josie Morris, Public Works Raymond Ragsdale, Councilperson Wanda Smith, Councilperson Lori Turnbough, Councilperson Cody Morris and Councilperson Raevyn Slovek via phone.

Clerk Morris called the Hearing to order at 7:00 p.m. and lead the Pledge of Allegiance. At this time the hearing is open to public comment; no comment received. Clerk Morris began to go over all final budget numbers. Department of Revenue Taxable Valuation reviewed, Mill Levy Schedule stating the use of 153.00 mills this year with 135.99 going to the General Fund and 17.00 going to the Comp. Insurance fund. This leaves 0.05 mills to carry over for next year.

All non-levied funds reviewed as well as previous fiscal year end cash balances. The ARPA funding of $725,978, Montana Mainstreet of $30,000, Montana Community Reinvestment of $24,750, and HB 355/SLIPA grant of $48,159 were all reviewed and discussed.

All Public Works Department budgets are remaining very similar with minor changes to add some software. Wages were also reviewed with anywhere from $0.25 - $1.00 increase proposed based on cost of living.

Councilperson Turnbough made a motion to approve the cost of living increase for Clerk Morris and Public Works Wilson as well as general increase for other employees; Councilperson Morris seconded the motion; motion carried.

Clerk Morris requests a motion to approve the fiscal year 2024-25 budget, Councilperson Turnbough made a motion and Councilperson Slovek seconded. Budget resolutions for 2024-04 through 2024-07 for Fiscal year 2024-25, Wages, SID Maintenance district and SID Light district passed and signed by mayor and council.

Public comment opened; no public comment received.

With nothing further to be presented before the council at this final budget hearing, Councilperson Morris moved to adjourn, Councilperson Turnbough second the motion. Clerk Morris adjourned the final budget hearing with the Broadus Town Council at 7:40 p.m.

Chad Gatlin, Mayor

Josie Morris, Clerk/Treasurer


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