FFA Officers Attend District Leadship School

By Broadus FFA Chapter Reporter

Liv Landa

On Wednesday, September 4, five officers of the Broadus FFA chapter attended District Leadership School in Jordan, MT. The session began at 10 a.m., and concluded around 12:45 p.m. Afterwards a lunch was provided by Garfield County Schools for all members in attendance.

The session was put on by four of our current Montana State Officers: Reagan Long, Sierra Mauland, Jordan Leach, and Emma Lou Slivka. Members of chapters from across the Eastern District learned valuable lessons about leadership and debate, as well as meeting new people from across eastern Montana.

Our officers learned about considering different perspectives and how to effectively support arguments. The five officers in attendance were Kiara Kelly, Archer Edwards, Shelby Anderson, Kassie Hagedorn, and Liv Landa.


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