Broadus School News

By Broadus Schools Principal Denise Ternes

Safety: We hope you can help us with an issue of safety. Supervision of the playground starts at 7:40. Students that arrive before 7:40 are not supervised. If you arrive before you see a teacher outside, please keep your student safe in your vehicle until 7:40. If that is not going to work, please contact us and send your child to sit at the front of the entrance of the school until supervision is available.

Thank you to the Powder River Medical Clinic and Public Mental Health for writing a grant and supplying each teacher with a tote of school supplies.

HOT HOT HOT! Please send reusable water bottles with your students so we can keep them hydrated in this weather!

Lunch Information: Free and Reduced lunch applications can be turned in as soon as possible. These were sent out with the parent letters at the beginning of August. Please fill out the application. Go to, or Broadus Hot Lunch on Facebook, or contact the office at 406-436-2658.

This year we have a modified calendar that contains a 5-day week the first week of the month, and 4-day weeks after. Please monitor the calendar on for changes if there is a make-up day. There are 2 built in make-up days.

Junior High/Freshman Clipboard: We hope you can help us to help your junior high students develop skills that will help them be academically and vocationally successful. Skills such as being tardy, missing materials, missing work, class disruption, inappropriate comments, unsafe behavior, disrespectful attitude, disrespect of property, insults/putdowns, minor dishonesty, and other behaviors that are detrimental to selves and others. Three check marks from teachers in one day = 1 hour after school detention. Asking your student if they received any marks today would help us all work as a team to develop success skills and reward positive behavior.

“Adopt-a-Teacher” Wish Lists! In response to questions about how you can help a teacher, Heather Desatoff has had teachers compile an Amazon wish list for their classrooms, and you can donate in cups at the coffee shop. Or if there is a specific teacher you want to donate to, Heather can help. A different teacher may be drawn monthly to receive the general donations for that month to purchase class items. When a couple that passed through Broadus read Ms. Boman’s graduation speech, they were inspired to donate $500 to help purchase classroom items!

Thank YOU for the opportunity of teaching your children.


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