HELP! Due to an ongoing scarcity of volunteers, St Vincent de Paul is announcing a change in operations. With all of your friendly cooperation, we ask that you DO NOT drop off any donations during the first week of every month. That week’s respite will allow us to catch up a bit in the back room. We appreciate our donors, but the incoming flood of stuff – great, not-so-great, and other -- is overwhelming.
During the No-donations Week, we will sort, we will clean, we will reorganize our display racks and shelves, we will organize silent auctions and sales, we will breathe!
We realize that some folks won’t get the message. We realize some folks won’t cooperate. But for all you good citizens who will help us out, we give you thanks. And knowing at times it will be an inconvenience, we hope you aren’t miffed!
From the Manager, the Volunteers and the Board Members
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