Broadus Town Council Minutes


Regular Council Meeting

August 7, 2024 @ 6:00 pm

In Attendance: Mayor Chad Gatlin; Councilperson Wanda Smith; Clerk/Treasurer Josie Morris; Councilperson Cody Morris via phone and Guest Sheriff Devin Boman and Deputy Cory Seamann.

Mayor Gatlin called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

Council began the meeting with the consent agenda items of reviewing the previous meeting minutes from 07-02-2024, claims forms from period 7/24 and 8/24. Councilperson Turnbough made a motion to approve all consent agenda items, Councilperson Morris second the motion; motion carried.

Public comment open; no public comment received.

Unfinished business began with reviewing proposed updates to ordinances 2007-01 Traffic Regulations, 2015-01 Water Utility, 2002-01 Dog and Cat and vote to approve or change proposed updates. Ordinance 2002-01 Dog and Cat ordinance had proposed changes of increasing fees for violations of licensing, rabies, running at large, and nuisance as well as redefining a dog/cat being a nuisance.

The proposed change in fines, once discussed with Sheriff Boman was not passed at this time and new updates proposed for the September 3, 2024 regular meeting.

Ordinance 2015-01 Water Utility had proposed changes of adding NSF (non-sufficient funds) checks to the Section 7.0 Billing Procedure and Delinquent Accounts. This proposed penalty would match the Yellowstone Bank fee of $28.00 per check.

Therefore, discontinuance of services as well as a $28.00 penalty made be applied to customer’s accounts that result in NSF checks to the Town of Broadus. Ordinance 2007-01 had proposed changes of adding a special speed zone for the school; being 15 miles per hour 24/7 in posted school zone as well as additional limitations on U-turns in the Town of Broadus when posted.

Mayor Gatlin called for a vote to complete the first reading and passing of the changes proposed to Ordinances 2015-01 and 2007-01, all members voted in favor, vote passed. Mayor Gatlin signed the first reading and passing of Ordinances 2015-01 and 2007-01 with Josie Morris, Clerk/Treasurer attesting.

Both ordinances will be reviewed and passed a final time at the regular meeting of September 3, 2024 at 6:00 pm at Town Hall.

Public comment open; no comment received at this time.

Staff Reports then began with Clerk Morris addressing that Public Works Ragsdale was not in attendance due to illness and Public Works Zimmer not in attendance due to injury.

Ragsdale requested that Clerk Morris inform the council on his behalf that the Town is continuing to work with Powder River County and the Sheriff’s Office in updating all Town addressing to match in all areas and for 911 purposes. No contracts, costs, or time frames have been established at this time.

Public Works Zimmer requested that Clerk Morris inform the council on his behalf that the Town received their first delivery of asphalt and he will begin to patch and repair streets/roads when he returns to work. Clerk Morris gave her report to council on the letters of complaint to animals that were turned over to Sheriff Boman to maintain record, discussion of personnel policy updates and continued review of it with council members.

Clerk Morris inquired about spouse/dependent benefits not being offered unless paid by employee, no changes at this time. Sheriff Boman then addressed the incident at the Town of Broadus Park that morning, specifically highlighting the issue with lack of signage to enforce no overnight camping and/or parking. The Town will work to obtain and post necessary signage in accordance with Sheriff Boman’s recommendation.

Public comment open; on a side note, Sheriff Boman recommended that we touch base with the Home Boys company who bought the “White Buffalo” campground to acquire more knowledge on their camping, contact preferences, etc. Ensuring that proper signage and information is posted for proper camping areas will help to decrease confusion and issues.

With nothing further before the council, Councilperson Turnbough moved to adjourn, Councilperson Morris second the motion. Mayor Gatlin adjourned this meeting of the Broadus Town Council at 7:05 p.m.

Chad Gatlin, Mayor

Josie Morris, Clerk/Treasurer


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