Powder River County To Enter Fire Restrictions

By Broadus VFD Fire Chief Raymond Ragsdale

With temperatures sometimes in the triple digits and everything drying out Powder River County will be going into Stage 1 Fire Restrictions beginning on July 29th.

Stage 1 fire restrictions in Montana prohibit certain activities to reduce the risk of wildfires and protect public safety during periods of high or extreme fire danger. These restrictions may include:

• Campfires

Building, maintaining, attending, or using a campfire is prohibited, except at designated recreation sites or campgrounds in an agency-provided metal fire ring.

• Smoking

Smoking is only allowed within an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site, or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is cleared of all flammable materials.

• Enclosed wood burning camp stoves

These are not allowed under Stage 1 restrictions because they can smolder and start up again.

Some activities may be exempt from these restrictions, such as those with a written permit or those using a device fueled by liquid petroleum or LPG fuels that can be turned on and off.

Violating fire restrictions can result in fines, up to six months in jail, or liability for fire suppression costs and any cost associated with your fire burning into someone else’s property.

This resolution applies for all private, state, and federal lands within Powder River County.


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