"Building A Better Broadus" Campaign Receives Substantial Grant

By Jessica Malone

The Powder River Area Economic Development Council is pleased to announce that Broadus has been selected by the Montana Department of Commerce into the Pilot Community Tourism Grant Program. The “Building a Better Broadus” campaign will receive $1.25 million of PCTGP funding within a two-year period with potential to receive up to a total of $2.75 million over a 60-month period. The Pilot Community Tourism Grant Program (PCTGP) is a state-funded opportunity authorized by the 2023 Montana Legislature’s enactment of Senate Bill 540. This bill is funded through Tourism Revenue via the Lodging Facility Use Tax (also known as the “Bed Tax”) collected by hotels and other lodging facilities.

The Department of Commerce explained the purpose of the program by stating that “Building tourism in a manageable, sustainable way can stimulate and diversify Montana’s local economy, protect and enhance local resources, and foster community pride without compromising the qualities that make local communities so special. The purpose of the PCTGP is to elevate communities across the state, increase their economic vibrancy by improving their appeal as visitor destinations, and improve their resilience as a destination by enhancing and diversifying tourism assets and infrastructure. Through this program, communities can cultivate regional visions, identify strategies to harness the power of tourism, and develop unique experiences in tourism.”

The Broadus program will be overseen by the PCTGP application Steering Committee consisting of the following local residents: Melissa Billing, Jessica Malone, Mary Rumph, Linda Bird, Chad Gatlin, Julie Riley, Raymond Ragsdale, Raevyn Slovek, Lori Fortner, John Ware, Waylon Billing, Tracy Thomas and Tammy Van Tine. The Steering Committee has met for organizational and planning purposes and members will be attending a Grant Workshop in Helena at the end of July.

Year 1 of the program is earmarked for project planning, which will include local resident and visitor surveys to gauge which tourism assets are best suited for funding. The Steering Committee indicated that the top project goals at this time include design and construction of the new “Heritage & Memorial Building” at the Powder River Historical Museum including public restrooms, educational/meeting room space and visitor services; improvements to Cottonwood Park including upgrades to the seasonal public restrooms, and wayfinding/signage projects including “Welcome to Broadus” signs. These project goals may be subject to change or additions following community and visitor feedback during our planning phase, but we’re excited to see the positive impact this funding opportunity will have on our local tourism assets and regional tourism appeal.

As newly elected Chair of the PCTGP Steering Committee, Melissa Billing will be leading the charge in our efforts to enhance the community assets that make Broadus an ideal place to live, work and play. Visitor spending has a major impact on our economy, so the goal is to boost our community’s tourism vitality and improve the quality of life for our residents, all while retaining the smalltown values that make Broadus feel like home.


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