Horseback Librarian - Chapter 16

In the previous chapter, Lanette had some sorrowful news to share with her cousin, Maisie. She told of the passing of Ruthaleen Dukater, and that the Pack Horse Library wishes for her to relocate. How has Lanette been able to bear these burdens? What choices will she make? Let us find out in the latest installment.

Chapter Sixteen

July 5, 1935

Dear Maisie,

Happy Belated Independence Day! I’m sure that as I write this you are now back at home. I still cannot believe you came all the way out to Miracle, Kentucky to visit me! Or that you had enough for train fare! Never in a million years had I thought you would actually come out here to see me. I couldn’t believe it when I opened the door of Mr. and Mrs. Lancing’s home and there you were! Clad in a periwinkle traveling suit with your carpetbag and hat. You were still Maisie by the sparkle in your eyes and the crinkling of your nose when you smiled. I reckon that’s the best surprise I have had in years.

You came just when I needed you most. I am eternally grateful for your stay. I loved being able to introduce you to all the people I’ve written about in these letters. To see your judgment of these people I hold dear to my heart.

I was relieved to learn of your approval, even if they may live very different lifestyles from what we know back home in the east. I’m so glad that you feel assured that I am safe with the community of Miracle. Why wouldn’t I be anyway? They all help each other out and are always there for one another. A person has to be, especially during hard times like this when camaraderie is basically essential to survive. If we didn’t lean on each other and help in any way we can we’d all have similar problems to face alone. I foresee great harm in that.

Having you here in Miracle eased my grief over Ruthaleen. I still miss her of course, but the pain is a little less than it was a few weeks ago. Your assuring presence lifted my spirits. And I’m thankful that we were able to talk in person about the Pack Horse Library. Your perspective has helped me to think more clearly about how I might want to proceed with this turn of events.

Tis true that I only meant for this job to be temporary. As a means for me to get through college. Of course that fell through and I was left here because not only was I lacking funds to get home, but that I felt I owed my efforts to these people.

They’ve given me so much and I find great reward in giving them “keys to the kingdom.” I mean words and books are essentially that. One can learn so much from books and escape if they need to. With caution of course. I’m not saying everything can be learned in a book, but in a society like this books can be helpful. These people understand that, which is why they requested someone like me to come here and provide that opportunity for them. Now I can’t imagine leaving them. I mean who would take over my position? What if the people I work with next are not as nice and welcoming? Do I really want to stay with the Pack Horse Library? What are my plans?

I have at least two more months to decide what to do. I’ve been carefully considering what you advised while you were here. I just need a little more time before I make a decision. Just wish me luck will you?

Your Dear Cousin,



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