Broadus Town Council Minutes


Regular Council Meeting

July 2, 2024 @ 6:00 pm

In Attendance: Mayor Chad Gatlin; Councilperson Raevyn Slovek; Councilperson Wanda Smith; Councilperson Cody Morris; Clerk/Treasurer Josie Morris.

Mayor Gatlin called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

Council began the meeting with the consent agenda items of reviewing the previous meeting minutes from 06-04-2024, claims forms from period 6/24. Councilperson Slovek made a motion to approve all consent agenda items, Councilperson Morris second the motion; motion carried.

Public Comment open; no comment(s) received.

Unfinished business focused on updating council members of the new website design launch and informed them of the new features. The Town of Broadus website can still be found at and anyone can “subscribe” to our website by entering in a cell phone number and/or an email address for the emergency alert system. This can be unsubscribed from at any time by each individual.

Other improvements include a better news and upcoming events section, organization of ordinances, resolutions, council agenda and meeting minute records as well as answers to frequently asked questions.

There is an area for local shopping, dining, and lodging information as well.

The council encourages citizens to take a look and give us feedback on how to continue to improve our website to best support our community.

Public comment open: no comment(s) received.

Staff reports began with Clerk Morris informing the council that Public Works Zimmer would update them at the next regular meeting and Public Works Ragsdale was on an active fire as fire chief therefore would not be attending. Clerk Morris then gave her report of the fiscal year ending 06/2023 audit closing meeting that occurred on June 26, 2024 at 11:00 am with Mayor Gatlin, Councilperson Morris and Denning, Downey, & Associates, CPAs. Councilperson Morris and Mayor Gatlin also shared their opinions on the closeout meeting going well with the fiscal year ending as we had hoped with less findings than last year. Repeat findings/issues are currently being handled or in the works of improving.

New business began with Clerk Morris bringing up the discussion of paid holidays off that the employees receive. All employees in the office have had some questions regarding only to follow Montana State Holidays or adopt some of the more common federal holidays as well. Councilperson Morris make a motion to maintain paid holidays parallel to Montana state designated holidays/ standards; Councilperson Turnbough second the motion; motion carried.

Clerk Morris then opened discussion and review of the following Town of Broadus Ordinances: 2002-01 Dog & Cat, 2007-01 Traffic Regulations, and 2015-01 Water Utility. Proposed changes by council members and mayor include increasing violation fines on one or more of the listed ordinances, adding specific school speed zone information and restrictions, as well as changing the nuisance definition and violations on dog and cat regulations. All changes will be made to the ordinance(s) and reviewed for first reading and adoption at the August 6, 2024 6:00 pm regular council meeting. Before the changes are permanently adopted, all changes will be made available to the public for review.

With nothing further before the council, Councilperson Morris moved to adjourn, Councilperson Turnbough second the motion. Mayor Gatlin adjourned this meeting of the Broadus Town Council at 7:00 p.m.

Chad Gatlin, Mayor

Josie Morris, Clerk/ Treasurer


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