Voices From The Past

From The Examiner Files

June 27, 1924

Political Pot Starts Boiling; Seven File for County Office

The political pot in this county has started boiling and will probably become an interesting sight to watch as time advances until August 26 when the primary election is to be held to eliminate the weaker candidates. The final date for filing for county office is on July 26. This year the circulation of petitions is unnecessary. The candidate merely specifies the office he aspires to, signing a blank nominating petition that he procures from the office of the county clerk, and then pays the prescribed fee equal to 1 percent of the annual salary of the office he or she wants.

Thursday of last week, Miss Gladys A. Clark of the Powder River County Bank, filed for county treasurer.

The same afternoon, F.T. West, present incumbent in the office of county clerk and recorder, filed his petition for re-election.

On Monday, five petitions were filed.

E.A. Blenkner, present incumbent for the office of county attorney, filed for re-election.

William L. Lavell of Hay Creek, in the eastern part of the county, aspires to the office of county commissioner.

Charles B. Lewis, the first assessor to hold office in this county and at present deputy assessor, seeks the nomination and election as county treasurer.

Mrs. Blanche Wiley, who has held the office of county assessor nearly a year since she was appointed by the commissioners after the resignation of her husband, has filed for the office for another term.

J.H. Camp of Pumpkin Creek, for whom the post office at Camps Pass was named, mailed his nominating petition to the county clerk’s office on Monday. He aspires to the office of state representative for this county.

Thus far all the candidates to file for county office are on the Republican ticket.

June 24, 1949

Commission Appointed 22 Local Inspectors

Sheriff Claude Anderson received word this week from the Montana Livestock Commission at Helena of the appointment of the livestock inspectors for this area. All of the inspectors are appointed by the state commission and do not draw any salary. Each is under a $1,000 bond for the faithful performance of his duties.

The stock inspectors are paid on a fee basis by the ranchers for whom the cattle are inspected. The fees are set by law, 25c per head up to 12 head; 10c per head up to 150 head or $15. The inspectors are allowed 7c per mile for the use of their cars in traveling to the inspection site.

All cattle moving out of the county must be inspected. The penalty for not having stock inspected before leaving the county can be a fine of from $50 to $500 and a jail sentence up to six months in the county jail.

Following is the list of stock inspectors appointed by the livestock commission for this area: H.W. (Sid) Richardson, Powderville, W.H. Goodspeed, Claude Anderson, A.G. Miller, Dewey Stewart, Hubert Gay, Robert Carlat, Broadus, James Trucano, Boyes, C.F. Hayes, Ridge, Chas. L. Scofield, Gilbert Sams, Biddle, James Hewitt, Bay Horse, Bert Collinge, Sonnette, Ray Kraft, Otter, Mibra Lloyd, Quietus, Wm. Gaskill, Loesch, Charley Huckins, Milton Simpson, Volborg, Lloyd Cain, Arvada, Wyo., K.L. Kamhoot, James Wesco, Ashland, Walter Vawter, Loesch.

June 27, 1974

New County Library is Under Construction

Construction was underway this week on the new Henry Malley Memorial Library with John B. Stabio as general contractor. Bids were opened on Monday, June 17, by the county commissioners and Stabio was the successful bidder with a bid of $64,679.00

The new library facility will be a block building with a brick facing. Main entrance is located on the east side of the building, facing the fire hall. The main floor is 45 feet by 45 feet, with an 18 by 30 foot basement. The basement will house the coal furnace, coal bin, water heater, and plumbing. The main floor is all one big room except for restrooms, storage closets and office area. It will be entirely carpeted except for restrooms and closets which will be tiled. The building is designed with a gabled roof with asphalt shingles and the interior will be paned with suspended ceiling.

Excavation work on the facility is completed and subcontractors are expected to be on the job soon. Schmaltz and Sons Masonry of Belle Fourche, So. Dak. will do the block work, Ed Portwine of Ed’s Hardware will do the plumbing, heating and air conditioning, and the electric work will be done by Amsden Electric.

Marguerite Huckins, chairman of the library board of directors, has worked closely with the board members, county commissioners and contractors in planning the facility. Sale of the 3-K Club brought $19,000 toward the cost of the structure and the balance will be paid from the library building fund and library levy.

Stabio said he plans to have the facility completed about Sept. 1. The board plans to move the library into its new home immediately after completion.

July 1, 1999

Williams, Gatlin Head to Nationals

By Carol Hilliard

The 1999 Montana State High School Rodeo Finals are history. Despite a lot of heat, a little dust, a couple of downpours, a muddy arena, and a very chilly last day, the Broadus High School Rodeo team had an admirable showing at the Finals. Grant Gatlin and Ashley Williams will be representing Broadus at the National Finals in Gillette - Ashley in the Barrel Racing and Grant in the Saddle Bronc Riding.

Ashley had a very good first round where she split 3/4 place in the Goat Tying and split 2/3 place in the Barrel Racing. She was 3rd place in the Barrels in the second go and ended up 2nd overall in the State standings (average on two goes), and 2nd for the year. Grant made a fine ride on his Saddle Bronc in the 2nd go and won the round. That ride helped him capture 3rd in the State standings and 3rd for the year.

Even though only two qualified for the finals, the rest of the team members made some fine contributions and has some personal triumphs as well. Mike Allen and Sheldon Portwine both made some very good attempts at very tough stock which, I might add, got the best of most cowboys there.

Dawn Davis made a nice clean run in the Pole Bending in the second round. Nancy Turnbough, besides representing District 2 in the Queen contest, made two nice clean runs in the Barrels and the Poles, and had two very fine runs in the Goat Tying. Megan Tabolt had a very nice Barrel run in the end go and ended up 6th in the round. Heidi Butts made two nice clean runs in the Barrels. Katie Daily made two clean runs in the Barrels and ended up placing 9th in the second round of the Poles.

And, Amber Smith made two clean runs in the Barrels and caught both calves in the Breakaway Roping to end up 9th in the average on two head.

There were close to 300 contestants in the State Finals rodeo. I was personally impressed at the performance of the Broadus Team members. And, I was happy to see so many familiar faces there to watch them. Overall, I believe it has been a successful year.

Grant and Ashley will be heading to the National Finals in Gillette July 19-25. They will both do an excellent job of representing the team. When you see them in town, please with them the best of luck.


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