Broadus Town Council Minutes


Regular Council Meeting

June 4, 2024 @ 6:00 pm

In Attendance: Mayor Chad Gatlin; Councilperson Raevyn Slovek; Councilperson Wanda Smith; Councilperson Cody Morris; Clerk/Treasurer Josie Morris; Public Works Cass Zimmer and Raymond Ragsdale as well as Guest Darron Alderman

Mayor Gatlin called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and led the pledge of allegiance.

Council began the meeting with the consent agenda items of reviewing the previous meeting minutes from 04-30-2024, claims forms from 5/24 and 6/24 accounting periods as well as travel request forms reimbursements. Councilperson Slovek made a motion to approve all consent agenda items, Councilperson Morris second the motion; motion carried.

Public comment open, Guest Darron Alderman requested for the Town to remove a section of property from Town limits for ease of permitting and licenses regarding his hopes to build a truck stop. Alderman stated an agreement could be formed to repay the Town’s lost tax revenues and financial by removing this piece of property from the annexation of the Town. Council took all information into consideration; no decision or vote made at this time.

Unfinished business began with Mayor Gatlin reporting on the pre-construction meeting with Range and Vantage Point regarding this next phase of fiberoptics. The Town will have a new point of contact manager this phase and look forward to the project being finalized. At this time, work is scheduled to begin around the 24th of June 2024.

Staff reports began with Public Works Ragsdale updating council on ARPA funding and project progress. We are in the phase of ARPA funding where we can begin some projects as contracts come in. Ragsdale’s primary projects with this funding is to install the SCADA software for pumps, wells, meters, etc., update well control panels, install updated power at the steel storage tank, generator for the hill well, repair steel tank, new pumps at lagoon, audio & radio read water meters as well as replacement of sewer line running behind The Coffee Shop to Powder River Tire and Lube, LLC.

Ragsdale also discussed updating the Town’s addresses to match 911, county and Montana Cadastral.

This change would hopefully not affect many people as we will be changing it to match what county and emergency services have for primary addresses. This update will not occur immediately as we have to wait for new budget.

Next, an update of the Lead & Copper reporting for DEQ and the EPA has been in progress but we do not have any lead service lines which is primarily what this reporting clarifies on.

Lastly, Ragsdale spoke with council about deactivating the meter on the empty lot near fire station number two, account 0201-00. This deactivation would give the Broadus Volunteer Fire Department only one primary bill. Councilperson Slovek made a motion to approve the deactivation of this account; Councilperson Morris second the motion; motion carried.

Reports continued with Public Works Zimmer informing the council on his progress fixing alleys and compacting dirt from Range/Vantage Point Construction work in 2023.

Zimmer also reported on the Beautifying Broadus/Cleanup Week May 20-25th, stating there was not as much feedback or participation in cleanup week as there was last year.

Later this month, all properties in town limits will be reviewed to ensure all standards of public nuisances are being met.

Zimmer then reported on a sign order from Econo signs he made that include new signage for the school zone which will make the area a school zone 24/7 and Clerk Morris along with council will work to update the traffic ordinance to state the school zone updates.

Reports neared an end with Clerk Morris reporting to the council on Clerk Institute 2024 that was held in Fairmont Hot Springs May 5-10th. Due to knowledge and information obtained at institute this year there will be minor changes to better the procedures of council meetings, records, personnel policy, monthly financial reviews, new vendor account creation and cash handling processes.

Clerk Morris then reviewed the Planning Governance Letter from Denning, Downey, & Associates, CPAs on the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023 audit being close to completion.

Lastly, Clerk Morris updated council on the Montana Mainstreet Program working with other local groups to complete a downtown master plan and growth policy update. The town was recently awarded $24,750.00 from the Montana Community Reinvestment Act Planning Grant Committee.

In conclusion, new business began with Clerk Morris discussing updating the website and switching the Municipal Impact as our website software/ management company instead of google sites as we are using now. This other program would allow more communication options with the public, faster and more frequent updates on information, better organized information, technical support, calendar features, etc. No decision was made at this time.

With nothing further before the council, Councilperson Morris moved to adjourn, Councilperson Slovek second the motion. Mayor Gatlin adjourned this meeting of the Broadus Town Council at 7:15 p.m.

Chad Gatlin, Mayor

Josie Morris, Clerk/Treasurer


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