Voices from the Past

From The Examiner Files

May 30, 1924

To Put Stray Horses off Custer Forest

Officials of the Custer National Forest in the County have taken action that is aimed to rid the forest reservation of all estray horses. They were rounded up recently by Ranger Rolfe in district 4 and are being held at Sam Stewart’s ranch in the forest, to be sold there to the highest cash bidder at 10 am June 5th. Thirty four head of horses will thus be disposed of, horses that are unbranded or have brands of unknown ownership. In addition 150 head of impounded horses will be sold unless their owners take them into custody within 5 days after the notification.

The Forest Reserve officials are intent on ridding the forest of so many horses that are constantly increasing in numbers and crowding out the range for the cattle. Some stockmen, it is said, are in arrears in payment of their grazing fees on the Forest Reserve and have questioned somewhat the authority of the officials to refuse them the same privilege in the future, for if the stray and impounded horses could not be ruled off then they could remain with the livestock. The present actions of the forestry officials is probably in reply to the impression that exists with some.

May 27, 1949

Hired Man Stole LeVeque’s Truck

A 1947 1 and one half ton Studebaker truck owned by P.V. LeVeque of Sonnette and stolen on May 18th by Frank Tolan, who was working for LeVeque, has not been recovered when this was written. The truck was taken from the LeVeque ranch south of Sonnette.

At 4:30 in the afternoon of the 18th the truck driven by Tolan was seen going towards Miles City near the Tonn ranch by Bob Sterling, Sonnette merchant. Tolan had left a letter addressed to his employer saying that he would be back in three days. It is believed that he took a barrel of gasoline from the ranch at the same time, as well as a funnel.

Tolan was hired by LeVeque in Miles City on May 9th and had been working less than two weeks when he stole the truck. LeVeque was away from the ranch on the day the truck was stolen. The next day LeVeque notified Sheriff Claude Anderson he would not swear out a warrant , asking only that the truck be returned.

Sheriff Anderson notified law enforcement in eastern Montana and in the Black Hills, but no trace of the truck or Tolan has been found. A letter came to the LeVeque ranch for Tolan and peace officers are trying to locate him at the address given on the envelope.

May 30, 1974

Council to Assist in Pool Operations

The Town Council has agreed to assist in the operation of the swimming pool this summer in the amount of about $3,500. The pool corporation has been disbanded and the pool is now owned by the County. The city will contribute $2,000 in town funds and $1,500 in revenue sharing funds. A three person administrative board has been approved by the county commissioners The Board will offer suggestions to the commissioners concerning the operation of the pool. Cap Hough, ArLynn Borla, and Gloria Butts have been appointed for one year terms.

Earline Hensley will be head lifeguard, with Sue Ann Heidel as assistant. Fourteen volunteer workers are needed for the season. Each volunteer will be asked to work one day every two weeks, Hough said. The membership fee is $10.00 per family.

June 3, 1999

Local Legion Post Chartered

by Bob McCurdy

A group of local veterans met with five Montana State American Legion officers at 7 p.m. May 27th in the courthouse election room to charter a local American Legion post.

After receiving the charter, the post elected Lyman Amsden as Commander and Bob McCurdy as Adjutant. Because the District 10 is called the Powder River District, it was decided to call the newly chartered post the Broadus Post 128.

Other business included setting the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. for our regular meeting night.

The visitors included JayCee Babcock, Department Commander; William A. Delatta, Department Executive committeeman; Bob O. Beals, District Commander; Robert O. Hicky, District 10 Commander-Elect, and Don Babcock, Post 111.

The local Veterans attending were Lyman Amsden, Francis Strait, Mike Copps, John Klein, George Schneidt, Darold Zimmer, Norman Turnbough, and Bob McCurdy.

Post 128 has 23 members. Any other veterans who would like to join contact either Amsden or McCurdy.


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