Broadus Students Attend BPA Nationals

By Broadus BPA Advisor Libby Nisley

Four Broadus BPA (Business Professionals of America) students attended the National Leadership Conference in Chicago, IL in Mid-May. There were 800 school chapters in attendance, with 60 Montana High School Chapters there. Around 6,500 attendees made this a huge event for our small-town students!

Kassie Hagedorn, a freshman, participated in both Fundamental Word and Fundamental Spreadsheet. She placed 11th in Fundamental Word, narrowly missing a "Top 10" walk across the stage, and finished in the top half of the competition in Fundamental Spreadsheet.

Fellow freshman Justin Aye too had a strong finish at 11th in Integrated Office Applications, an event full of upperclassmen!

Sophomore Kensi Emmons competed in Database Applications and took 35th in a very difficult event using Microsoft Access. Finally, Junior Rebecca Aye attended the conference after completing her Torch Award Resume and running for state office.

Big Thanks go out to Stacy Hagedorn for chaperoning the trip, as well as Dawn Aye for their efforts. Students had the chance to experience many things beyond their competitive events including a ride on a RiverBoat, Seeing the Skydeck at night, as well as completing the Inside Chicago Walking Tour. Although the BPA program will lose many seniors to graduation this year, I look forward to seeing us build on the year's successes and compete strongly at Nationals in Orlando, Florida next spring!


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