VFW Auxiliary Elects Officers, Plans Memorial Day

By Annie Brimmer

The VFW Auxiliary held their monthly meeting Wednesday May the 8th at 5:15 at the Hall. Newly elected officers were installed and will assume their responsibilities July 1st, 2024. Past member and Past District 6 Commander, Marty Drane served as installing officer for us. Officers for the upcoming year are: President - Annie Brimmer, Senior Vice President- Kathy Myers, Junior Vice President-Ginger Bird, Secretary- Molly Lloyd Treasurer - Tracey Gorder, Chaplain- Margaret Scoles, Patriotic Instructor - Bev Rightnour, Conductress - Pat Ridenour, Guard - Sue Richards, Carole Richards, Karen Amende, and Margaret Scoles.

In addition to installation of officers plans were made for Memorial Day activities. Flags will be put on all Auxiliary member graves and those of Gold Star Mothers before Memorial Day. The Auxiliary will again serve refreshments at the shelter at the cemetery on Memorial Day, May 27th. The Auxiliary will also be represented with the Post at the service they do. The Post will announce the time and place of the service.

June will bring the State Convention, 12-15th in Great Falls. Also Flag Day in June. Have your Flag ready to wave in the wind. I’m sure we’ll have some. As June gets here, so does the longest day of the year, and after that? - there's too many things happening to think about shorter days so soon.

Remember what Memorial Day is all about - say a prayer of thankfulness for all that our veterans gave. And remember those family members who are no longer with us but remain in our hearts and memory.

And most of all stay safe as you travel - make it a happy holiday.


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