Commissioner Proceedings

Regular Meeting

Monday, April 15, 2024

Commissioner Chair Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Lori Fortner and John Olson were present.

Commissioners reviewed and approved the consent agenda. The minutes of the previous meetings were read, approved, and ordered published.

The EDA Little Powder Bridge replacement construction kickoff meeting began at 9:00 a.m. with Teel Mullanix, Brandon Duffy, Spencer Jovich, Greg Benjamin, and Daniel Wiggs present. The bridge is scheduled to be open mid-July.

Teel Mullanix, road supervisor stayed after the bridge meeting to conduct his biweekly general meeting with the Commissioners. Mullanix reported the water truck has broken down and will need replaced. The road budget was reviewed and the board approved to purchase a replacement water truck. Teel then requested the county to consider implementing speed limits for county roads. No decision was made at this time. The board inquired about the road department’s plan for the Ranch Creek Road and requested to get a blade out there when there is moisture. Mullanix requested to purchase a roller packer and the board approved.

The airport hangar project bid opening began with no public present. The board reviewed the three bids received and will award the project on April 18, 2024. The board was hoping to award the Montana based company although FAA required to award to the lowest bidder.

The board then reviewed the feasibility assessment presented by SDI Architect Services for the clinic. Vikki Klemm and Darlynn Williams joined the meeting. Discussion was held on the assessment and specific requests from the clinic employees to be added to the assessment. Vikki Klemm also reported on upcoming health fair and the floor replacement project. Klemm also reported the medical billing clearinghouse is still having issues and she is billing by hand at this time. The clinic also applied for and was awarded $10,000.00 for a Behavioral Health grant.

The board then approved mid-month claims for payment. Claims can be reviewed upon request in the Clerk & Recorder’s office.

The board then began the process of opening quotes for the clinic floor replacement project. Gatlin Construction presented a quote to replace the flooring in the clinic. The quote will be awarded at the next meeting.

John Olson then recused himself from the meeting for the opening of the baseball field fence project. Quotes received were from Gatlin Construction and Lazy J Bar O Fencing. The board will award quotes at the next meeting. The Gatlin Construction quote included an additional 200 feet of fencing and concrete reinforcement of the posts.

Ron Hecker, Forest Service agent, met with the board to discuss the upcoming 2024 fire and logging season.

Having Completed all current business for the day, the board adjourned at 5:00 P.M.

Regular Meeting

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Commissioner Chair Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Lori Fortner and John Olson were present.

Clerk and Recorder: Cynde Jo Gatlin met with the board to present journal vouchers and monthly payroll changes.

EMS Director: Adam reported on the Community Integrated Health Grant of $144,250.00. Adam has submitted $86,678.00 for reimbursement. Adam then conducted a general department update.

Airport Hangar Project Bid Award: The board reviewed the bid by First Dakota Enterprises for $2,111,151.00 that was recommended by KLJ to be awarded as the lowest responsible bid. John Olson motioned to approve, and Lori Fortner seconded, motion carried.

Clinic Flooring Quote: The board reviewed the only quote received for the clinic flooring replacement project. Gatlin Construction submitted a quote to replace the flooring in the clinic and without any objection the board awarded the quote to Gatlin Construction.

Baseball Field Fence Project: The board received two quotes for the fencing project, Gatlin Construction and Lazy J Bar O Fencing. Chairman Lee Randall stated he contacted Montana Association of Counties legal counsel, and it was recommended to remove the quote of Lazy J Bar O Fencing due to conflict of interest. The quote was removed from the selection process. The board then continued discussion on the project, and it was decided to meet Gatlin Construction at the ball field to discuss the project in further detail before finalizing the award process. The board will meet on Monday, April 22 with Gatlin Construction at the ball field.

Weed Building Bathroom Addition: Tammy VanTine, weed supervisor and John Barbero, weed board member joined the meeting. The quote received by Gatlin Construction was discussed. Tammy informed the meeting that Bill Gay and Chad Gatlin recommended building a retaining wall before constructing the addition due to road issues, and Tammy requested to add on this additional cost to the construction quote, and the board approved. Tammy stated there is a meeting scheduled next Monday with Gatlin Construction to discuss the next steps in the project.

Tammy VanTine and John Barbero then continued the meeting with discussion of adding bulk fuel to the weed department and the board approved to move forward with this request.

After hearing no further public comments, the board adjourned at 12:00 p.m.


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