2025-2026 Fishing Regulation Public Scoping Meeting Planned In Miles City

By Marla Prell | FWP Region 7 Communications/Education Program Manager

MILES CITY – Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks will host a public meeting to gather input for the 2025-2026 fishing regulations, followed by an informational discussion on area fisheries, at the FWP Region 7 Office in Miles City on Thursday, March 21, at 6:30 p.m.

There will also be a virtual option for the meeting.

Fishing regulations are now under a comprehensive public review process every two years. Starting in 2025, the regulations will cover two years, starting on odd-numbered years.

FWP’s statewide proposed regulation changes will be posted online later this month. FWP will accept and review fishing regulation comments submitted by the public during this spring scoping period.

Some of the proposals pertaining to Region 7 that will be discussed at this meeting include:

Paddlefish regulation changes for the yellow tag area: reduce overall area open to paddlefishing, expand catch-and-release opportunities, and adjust mandatory harvest reporting options and deadlines.

Tongue River Reservoir angler harvest: increase smallmouth bass limits and decrease crappie limits.

Eliminate some exceptions to the standard regulations for the Eastern Fishing District.

Staff will use public input to evaluate regional fishing regulation proposals and to generate FWP’s Tentative 2025-2026 Fishing Regulation Proposals for a second round of public comment in August. Final approval or modifications of tentative fishing regulations by the Fish and Wildlife Commission will occur at the October 2024 commission meeting.

Following the fishing regulations discussion March 21, regional fisheries biologists will be available so the public can ask questions about fisheries management in southeast Montana.

FWP ensures that its meetings are fully accessible to persons with disabilities. To request special accommodations for this meeting, please contact 406-234-0900.

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Password: 633773

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Password: 633773

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