Commissioner Proceedings

Monday, December 4, 2023

Commissioner Chair Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Lori Fortner and John Olson were present.

Commissioners reviewed and approved the consent agenda.

The board reviewed the 2023 tax rolls to reevaluate the solid waste fees. No changes were made.

Hattie Arithson, County Treasurer, met with the commissioners to discuss the school mill levy lawsuit between the State of Montana and counties. The commissioners also discussed with Arithson the possibility of implementing a credit card payment method for the county, Arthison said she will do more research on the process.

Kylie Randall, Nursing Home Administrator, and Nadine Elmore met with the board. Randall reported she has signed the agreement with Morrison-Marielle to offer IT service for the nursing home and clinic. She also reported there are serious phone issues within the clinic. Range Telephone has been contacted along with the current IT company and neither entity can find where the problem lies. Randall will be looking into other options for phone service at the clinic. Randall also reported she has met with Gardner-Billing CPAs, and an engagement letter is in preparation to allow Gardner-Billing CPAs to function as the CFO for the Powder River Manor. There is also a meeting scheduled with the Clerk and Recorder, Gardner-Billing CPAs, Nadine Elmore, Kylie Randall, and Treasurer to create a policy and procedure for all financial needs for the nursing home.

Extension agents Julie Riley and Mary Rumph met with the board to report on the monthly events for their department.

The scheduled weed board meeting was scheduled incorrectly, and no meeting was held.

Tammy VanTine, Weed Supervisor, met with the board. VanTine reported she is looking for a drone company, BLM land can use Rejuvra for weed control, and that the bathroom upgrade at the shop has been put on hold due to the need of more quotes from contractors. She also reported the Gator is having mechanical issues and repairs are estimated at $5000.00; Van Tine will research trade-in options.

The board then conducted administrative duties, no further public comment was received, meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Commissioner Chair Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Lori Fortner and John Olson were present.

Commissioners reviewed the following items in the consent agenda. A letter was received from Worden Thane PC regarding MT Poly Tech claim. The commissioners will contact county attorney and MACO for direction on this issue.

Tracey Vail resigned as recycling center operator.

Marty Drane, Maintenance Supervisor met with the board for a general update. He reported he is finished with the lighting upgrade in the courthouse lobby, the Multi Purpose Barn concessions have been winterized, the new ceiling tiles for the courthouse will be installed after the 1st of the year, and he is creating a valve maintenance schedule. The repaired repeater equipment has been installed and the Russell Hill repeater is currently under repair.

The board continued discussion on the solid waste rates.

Adam Johnson, EMS Director, met with the board. He reported on the Montana Department of Transportation and Community Integrated Health grants, vehicles maintenance and conducted a run update. He reported Emergency Medical Responder and CPR classes will begin in spring 2024. Johnson also reported he is currently looking for purchase options for large quantities of Diesel Exhaust Fluid.

Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor met with the board and conducted the general road department update. He also reported the crusher is broke down, and that the substantial completion review for the EDA bridge project is scheduled for Wednesday with TCA Group and Great West Engineering.

Ryan Melin and Ron Hecker, Forest Service met with the board to report the 2023 RAC (Roadway Agreement Concurrency) agreement has been awarded for $77,000.00 and is for 5 years. Funding for this grant can be added if awarded. Teel Mullanix joined the meeting. Mr. Hecker updated on the forest service and Mr. Melin reported on the range permits. The commissioners informed Hecker and Melin of the recent complaints regarding heavy dust and high speed from logging trucks.

The board then conducted administrative duties.

After hearing no further public comments the board adjourned at 5:00 P.M.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Commissioner Chair Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Lori Fortner present and John Olson absent.

Commissioners reviewed and approved the consent agenda.

Jeanne Hovermale McClure met with the board to request the board to consider lifting the ag covenant on land that she had surveyed in 2021. The board told her to reach out to Stahly Engineering.

Cynde Jo Gatlin, Clerk & Recorder presented the 2023 AFR for the County, Biddle Fire District, Belle Creek Fire District, Soil Conservation District and PR TV District to be signed and Chairman Randall signed all AFR’s.

The board then signed the MOU Authorizing Interlocal Government for the Opioid settlement.

After hearing no further public comment the board adjourned at 12:00 P.M.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Commissioner Chair Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Lori Fortner present. Commissioner John Olson stopped in the office for a short period and then left.

Commissioners reviewed and approved the consent agenda.

Powder River County did not receive any bids for the gravel crushing project. The Commissioners reached out to Brandon Duffy, Great West Engineering, to see how to proceed. Mr. Duffy stated that the county has solicited bids three times and was unable to receive any bids and that the county can now enter negotiations with a gravel crushing company.

Ken and Francheska Ward stopped in to discuss the Belle Creek Road and expressed concerns on the speed limit signs. Mr. Ward is also seeking clarification on whose responsibility it is to keep the Belle Creek roads maintained. The board will investigate this and get back with Mr. Ward.

Kylie Randall, nursing home administrator met with the board. Randall reported on the recent Christmas party at the manor,

After hearing no further public comment the board adjourned at 5:00 P.M.


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