Voices from the Past

From the Examiner Files

December 28, 1923

Lads Saw Enough of World

E.W. Powell who was in town a few days ago from the Little Powder River, said his son Leslie had returned home a month ago. The young man and his “buddy” Clayton Riter left home some time ago with their destination unknown but leaving a note telling relatives they intended to “see the world.” They went as far east as Rapid City, where they found employment at the new concrete plant. The youths finally decided they had seen enough and then started to retrace their footsteps, knowing their homes would welcome their return. Clayton stopped over in the vicinity of Alzada where he has temporary employment on a ranch.

“Uncle” Billy Wilson says he’s not Winter Forecaster

“I’ve lived on Powder River a good many years”, said “Uncle” Billy Wilson the other day while in Broadus, but foretelling what kind of a winter we’re going to have is out of my line. “I’d rather wait until the middle part of April and give the correct forecast.”

“Speaking about the kind of winter ahead,” continued Mr. Wilson, ”reminds me of a saying frequently made by Patrick Duncan, father-in-law of Link Wilson. Mr. Duncan said in all his 75 years he had never failed to observe more or less hard winters and the best way to meet them was always to be prepared.

December 24, 1948

Returning Students add Glamor to Locale

Powder River County students returning to their homes for the Christmas holidays has added a bit of that old collegiate glamor to Broadus. Montana State College at Bozeman leads other schools with seven returning students. They are Kathleen James, Marjorie Rice, Ken Smith, Roger and Robert Rumph, Lawrence Powell, and Bob Kirkenburgh.

Jane Ann Jones returned from Denver University where she was a recent graduate.

Daisy Turley is the lone representative from Montana State University and Gordon Christianson has returned from Concordia College at Moorehead, Minnesota.

The college men challenged the High School varsity basketball team to a scrimmage held Thursday. Scores of the game have been withheld from the press but the score before the game was 0 to 0.

Lucille Huckins is expected home from Rapid City where she has been attending business college. Wayne Leff, BHS class of ‘48 is home and expects to remain for the holidays. Wayne has been working with an oil exploration company since graduation. Other class of ‘48 graduates will be home. Margaret Wice Schaffer will undoubtedly be basking in the sun at Clayton New Mexico while the rest, if weather predictions hold true, might be slightly cold.

December 31, 1948

Rocky Butte 4-H Club

The Rocky Butte 4-H Club met at the Collins ranch on Saturday December 18th. with Larry and Neil Collins as hosts. The County Agent, A.C. Kegel and Ray Haight from the Bureau of Reclamation met with us. There were seven members present, with Larry Collins, our new president, conducting the meeting.

Achievement pins and certificates for 1st year 4-H work were presented to members. Neil Collins received a special award in a gardening project. Several members are taking fat calves as their 4-H project and Mr. Kegel explained record charts and care of these animals.

A committee was chosen to plan a dance in this community in the near future. Lunch was served to eighteen guests.

David Stringfield has resigned as Reporter and Neil Collins was elected to take his place.

Our next meeting will be held on January 18, at the Pearson ranch.

Neil Collins, Reporter

Window Panes Cut Night Before Chrstmas

Someone cut holes in the two front windows of the Electric Shop in the Burton building on Christmas Eve. A.W. Hingle proprietor of the store said that apparently nothing had been taken from the shop and the only loss was the two window panes. The windows had been cut out with a glass cutter. Glen Sterling said that he passed the shop at 3 AM and that he did not notice anything amiss at that hour. Hingle says that the predators could have been either burglars or hoodlums.

December 20, 1973

Letter to Santa

The PRCDHS teachers have been busy getting their letters written to Santa Claus. This is a combined letter they wrote to Santa:

Dear Santa:

Mr. Grier wants someone to cook supper for him for a week. A 7’4” 287 pound basketball player is Mr. Stiffler’s wish. All Mr. Samuelson wants is money. Mrs. Lemke requests a Volkswagen. Happiness is the wish for Mr. Taylor. Mrs. Wiltsie wants bubble gum for her gas tank. Not to have a birthday 2 weeks after Christmas is all Mrs. Heidel wants. Mr. Cockrell is hoping for a healthy baby boy or girl. Mrs. Richards wants all the pictures she needs for the yearbook. Last, but not least, Mr. Coate wants a little more hair, two socks that match, a pink and purple polk-a-dot bow tie, 9 lbs. of cotton to stuff down the freshman’s throats, and a toy truck that goes “toot-toot”.

Yours forever

The Teachers


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