Monday, November 6, 2023
Commissioner Chair Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Lori Fortner and John Olson present.
Commissioners reviewed and approved consent agenda.
The board received public comment from Rich Sparks. Sparks discussed the right of way from Rue Street to the Broadus Boot and Tack. Sparks stated he is interested in abandoning the right of way. Sparks will check to see if it’s in the city limits or on county land.
Commissioners then left the office to tour county roads. The commissioners toured the E River Road, Butte Creek Road, Ranch Creek Road, Belle Creek Road, Boyes Road , Moore Road, W Powderville and Moorhead to Wilson’s and returned at 2:00 p.m.
Kylie Randall and Nadine Elmore met with the board to discuss nursing home. Kylie requested the county move the Kareo claim to mid-month. Nadine recommended G&B CPA be hired as acting CFO for the nursing home, the board approved.
The board entered a closed meeting.
The board then ended the day conducting administrative duties and adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Monday, November 13, 2023
Commissioner Chair Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners John Olson and Lori Fortner present.
Kyle Copelan met with the board to present a trail recommendation. Copelan stated he has done research on where to put a trail and funding that is available. Copelan is requesting a letter of support from the Town of Broadus and the Powder River County Commissioners.
Tammy VanTine, weed supervisor, met with the board to inform them they will be combining two years of RAC funding for $53,000.00 for 5 years but should have the funds expended within 3 years. Brendon Traub has done septic work at the weed building. Tammy will get two quotes for the 3-sided building that will enclose the bathroom.
The board then discussed compensation for non-mineral holders for a gravel pit. The board discussed $.50/ton for trespass and $500.00 /acre for surface damage.
After hearing no further public comment the board adjourned.
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Commissioner Chair Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Lori Fortner and John Olson present.
Commissioners reviewed and approved the consent agenda.
Cass Zimmer stopped in to discuss community service for an individual to serve at the recycling center. Commissioners concurred it was a great place to serve community service. He also inquired about the truck to haul the cardboard. John Olson reported he has been in contact with the company that dispatches, and the county is on the list.
The board then reviewed and approved the mid-month claims
Resolution 2023-33, Resolution to Authorize the Local Option Vehicle Tax, John Olson motioned to approve, Lori Fortner seconded the motion, motion carried.
Lori Fortner left the meeting to attend the LEPC meeting.
The board then spent the remainder of the morning conducting administrative duties and adjourned at 12:00 P.M.
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