Monday, October 16, 2023
Commissioner Lori Fortner called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioner John Olson was present and Lee Randall was absent.
Commissioners reviewed and approved the consent agenda. Minutes from the October 2 and 10th meetings were read and authorized for publication.
John Trusler met with the board to discuss the contract that was previously approved by commissioners for road maintenance. Trusler requested a meeting to adjust some wording of the payment of road maintenance. It was agreed upon to change the wording to be paid bi-annually and submit invoices for snow removal. The board agreed and will contact the county attorney to update the contract.
Transportation Director Christy Olson met with the board to conduct her monthly meeting. Olson presented TAC meeting minutes. Olson also reported the new vans should be here by the first of the year, the exhaust fan in the building is getting repaired and the state supervisor requested excess tires be removed from building and stored elsewhere. Olson informed the board she will be taking personal time off at the end of October. She also presented the trip report, and the new software will go live November 30.
The board then began the process of the gravel crushing bid opening. Teel Mullanix was present and Brandon Duffy phoned in. No bids were received. The board will contact the county attorney for guidance on how to proceed.
Billy Stuver, local Editor, stopped in to inquire about the recycling center.
The board then approved mid-month claims.
The board then discussed the option for a fall county auction. Clerk and Recorder Cynde Jo Gatlin joined the meeting. Gatlin suggested a fall auction November 1 through December 4. The board approved the Clerk and Recorder to reach out to departments and offices and start advertising.
A gravel pit meeting began with Clint Worman, Fred and Darla Romanjenko and Teel Mullanix present. Discussion was held on the process of changing Butte Creek #6 gravel pit into the county’s name. It was decided the county will do the paperwork for the exchange. There will be no fee for the pit to move into county’s name. Mr. Romanjenko requested only a few loads of gravel each year. Teel Mullanix will reach out to BLM and work on a contract and an amendment to the gravel pit.
The board then reviewed the draft resolution to authorize Montana Association of Counties to intervene on Powder River County’s behalf to address the issue of the 95 school mills. The board agreed to agenda the resolution for the next meeting.
The board then began the annual TV/Landfill board meeting with Lori Turnbough and Clerk & Recorder Cynde Jo Gatlin present. The board reviewed the additions and deletions presented by the Department of Revenue for the 2024 tax year. Lori Fortner motioned to approve the changes, John Olson seconded, motion carried.
Jeff Noble stopped in to discuss the gravel crushing bid. Noble recommended the county re-advertise according to MCA bidding process. He also reviewed the resolution to allow MACO to represent the county regarding the 95 school mills. Noble stated he would sign off on the resolution.
After hearing no further public comments, the board adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Commissioner Chair Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Lori Fortner and John Olson were present.
Commissioners reviewed and approved the consent agenda. Minutes from the October 16, 2023, were read and ordered published.
Commissioners Lori Fortner and John Olson updated Commissioner Lee Randall on the meeting on Monday, October 16, 2023.
Cynde Jo Gatlin, Clerk & Recorder, met with the board. Gatlin requested the board to pick a date for the upcoming CEDS meeting; the commissioners chose November 6 at 5:30.
Resolution 2023-32, A resolution authorizing MACO to represent the interests of the County seeking a declaratory judgment from the Montana Supreme Court regarding statewide mills, John Olson motioned to approve, Lori Fortner seconded the motion, motion carried.
The board then read and approved to sign the grant application for the airport pilot lounge.
A phone meeting took place with Brandon Duffy, Great West Engineering, and Talena Adams, FLAP administrator to discuss the progress on the Belle Creek Road Project. Teel Mullanix joined the meeting. Cost tracking was discussed, and Talena Adams reported the funds still have not been obligated at this time and once funds are obligated the county can move forward with the project.
Commissioner Lori Fortner left the meeting to attend the LEPC meeting.
After hearing no further public comments, the board adjourned at noon.
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