By Powder River Conservation District
Does the sight of lush alfalfa ready for a second or third cutting warm your heart? Want to rest easy knowing you have the water to provide hay during the coming winter? If so, this call to action is for you! Many of you use irrigation to provide water for your crops. The PRCD wants to ensure you're able to use this water for many years to come. However, we need your help.
Some of you may already be keeping records of water use. That's wonderful! These records can be used to prove you're actively using your water rights. This will prevent anyone from claiming abandonment and snatching those rights for their own. So please, protect yourselves by keeping a record of the water you use!
We do not need or want this information turned in to the PRCD office. We simply want to help you keep using that water for your livelihood in the future. A simple notebook will suffice. If you need help or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at the office, by mail, or email.
For those interested in measuring intake and output, please contact us for access to flow meters and clamps to assist in determining these numbers.
Powder River Conservation District
114 N Lincoln Ave
PO Box 180
Broadus, MT 59317
(406) 436 – 2321 x111
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