By Senior Center Director Tammy Jackman

What beautiful Fall weather we are having. We started off our October at the Senior Center with a beautiful activity as well and that was the Caregiver’s Respite Retreat. Julie Riley put this retreat in motion and with the help of MSU Extension we made it happen. We had about 19 participants this year which was up from last year. It is a great way to learn about self-care, while you are caring for others. There were 4 activities throughout the day with a fantastic lunch catered by Krista Gotfredson. Our first activity was a favorite from last year and that is making our own salt or sugar scented hand scrub. That is truly the best stuff and so easy to make. The second activity was making a windchime, which was a much more difficult and time- consuming activity but still enjoyed. Our third activity was filling a bottle with different colored sands and each color placed into the bottle represented a different emotion for each person. For some people red represented anger/frustration, while with other people it represented part of a sunset. For the final activity we made a scented candle. Everyone seems to truly enjoy these retreats as there is much visiting and laughing. We will continue to have one each year as long as we have someone to put them on.

Medicare open enrollment started on the 15th, so if you have any questions concerning your Medicare coverage, please call Tammy to make an appointment with Linda Wolff. Her appointment slots fill up very fast. She will be here on November 8th and November 29th, appointments starting at 10 a.m.

We were unable to go on our trip to Spearfish Canyon as the weather was rainy, cold and threatened snow. The Seniors played cards, had a couple of stitching days, Bunco, Ladies Lunch Out and of course SAIL exercises so they weren’t lacking for anything to do.

On the 31st we were bombarded with ghosts and ghouls and spooks of every kind. The Seniors handed out candy starting at 10:30 to daycare kids, pre-school kids and then the “BIG” kids came at 3:30. I love to see the costumes they come up with each year.

Starting on October 30th, each of our Senior Center members will have on them raffle tickets for the latest afghan that Pat Smith has crocheted. She used yarn that was donated by Teresa Rolfson and it is very colorful with a beautiful pattern. It will be on display at the Senior Center until the time of the drawing on Valentine’s Day. Tickets can also be purchased from Tammy at the Senior Center. Tickets are: 1 for $1 or 6 for $5.

We would like to thank Ginger Johnson and Lori Dinstel for the eggs and Russ Greenwood and Jerry Coulter for the garden produce they donated in October. These and all donations are very appreciated.

In November things don’t really slow down too much. We will continue the SAIL exercises on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10 a.m. There is still room if anyone would like to come down and join in. Stitching and Lunch is at 10 a.m. on the 7th and the 21st, there is always room at the table. Ladies Lunch Out will be on the 16th at noon at the Cashway Café, we are always looking for more ladies to join us. Bunco will be on the 30th, we sure have a good time and would love to have more players. More players = more fun. If you are interested just let Tammy know.

One big thing happening in November starting the 6th and continuing through the 11th, is Caring Rose Week, sponsored by Amber at Powder River Petals. This is something she does every year to help us stock our food pantry and we are so grateful for it. Bring into the flower shop 2 non-perishable items for the food pantry (please check to make sure your donated items have not expired as I am unable to put them in the food pantry if they are) and $10 and get a dozen beautiful roses. I missed out last year but I will be over there first thing Monday morning to get mine, she has some of the most gorgeous colors. This fills our food pantry up big time as by this time of the year it is starting to look a bit bare.


11-1---Minestrone Soup, Baked Potato Bar, Sundaes

11-8---Clam Chowder, Baked Fish, Potato Wedges, Strawberry Dessert

11-15---Potato Soup, Hot Turkey Sandwich, Stuffing, Pumpkin Pie

11-22---Broccoli Cheese Soup, Pot Roast, Mashed Potatoes, Pecan Bars

11-29---Vegetable Beef Soup, Meatloaf, Corn, Scalloped Potatoes, Cupcake

Just a reminder the center will be closed on November 23rd to observe Thanksgiving Day! I hope everyone has an amazing November and remember to always be thankful. Thanksgiving isn’t just a day. It’s a way we can live our lives every day.


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