Superintendent's Report

By Broadus Schools Superintendent Jim Hansen

Recently a group of travelers were at the gas station with a vehicle issue. They were obviously foreigners with broken English, but I eventually realized they wanted to borrow a jack to repair a tire. Living next to a gas station can have its drawbacks. Like many of you I can have preconceived perceptions of strangers, especially those who are more than likely from another country. Reluctantly, I agreed to loan them my floor jack and my wife complemented me for my good deed.

Later that evening the gas station contacted me to complain about the garbage the travelers dumped in their parking lot. I was then upset about the mess they left after I went through the trouble to give them a hand.

Public education has always received criticism. Along with academics, educators are expected to teach ethics, proper behavior, discipline, and respect for others. I believe public education is about much more than academics, otherwise we would just place students in a cubical with a computer and simply issue them a grade. Educators are placed in a position where they share lessons about morals and integrity almost daily. However, just like my experience with the travelers, sometimes despite our best intentions we still get burned.


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