Commissioner Proceedings

Monday, August 17, 2023

Commissioner Chair Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Lori Fortner and John Olson were present.

Commissioners reviewed and approved the consent agenda. Minutes from the August 7 and 14 meetings were read and approved for the Clerk and Recorder to publish.

Mid-month claims were submitted and approved.

Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, stopped in to visit with the commissioners.

The board authorized a $1.50/hour cost of living raise for 2023-24 fiscal year.

Resolution 2023-25, 2023-24 Resolution to Authorize County Commissioners to Adjust Pay Schedule, John Olson motioned to approve, Lori Fortner seconded, all in favor, motion carried.

The board then reviewed a claim submitted by Mountain Poly Tech. After reviewing the claim, the board will seek legal counsel.

The nursing home meeting was cancelled.

Commissioner John Olson reported he will be donating his time and equipment for the removal of the old bleachers at the fairgrounds.

After hearing no further public comment, the board adjourned at 12:00 p.m.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Commissioner Chair Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Lori Fortner and John Olson were present.

Commissioners reviewed and approved the consent agenda.

Brandon Duffy, Great West Engineering, Teel Mullanix, Greg Benjamin, and Spencer Jovick with TCA Construction met with the commissioners to conduct update for EDA Bridge Project. Greg reported that the Pilgrim Creek detour is complete and single lane signs are on their way. Spencer then updated on the timeline for drive pilings. He also reported after Labor Day they will be moving to the Little Powder Bridge and the project is still waiting on beams. Duffy also reported the two small bridges will be finished by this fall and the Little Powder Bridge by next spring.

Teel Mullanix stayed for his general meeting. Mullanix reported on blading and mowing. Mullanix will check on pricing for chip seal on the Cemetery Road.

Vanna Byrd, Clerk of District Court, stopped in to seek approval from the commissioners to allow the Justice of the Peace to have a key to the Judge’s Chambers.

Bob Smith stopped in to inform the board on history of drainage plans for Crane Acres.

Donna Giacometto stopped in to inquire on the old bleaches at the fairgrounds.

Dave Vineyard met with the board to present a quote for fence repairs at the Valley View Cemetery.

Adam Johnson met with the board to present an updated budget request and requested an assistant manager. No decision was made.

A closed meeting for personnel issues was held.

Extension Agent Mary Rumph met with the board to conduct the monthly Extension update.

Nadine Elmore met with the board to conduct the weekly nursing home meeting.

Jim Atchison and Julie Stoddard, SEMDC, met with the board to discuss annual dues for the membership of SEMDC. The board approved to continue membership for 2023-24.

Administrator duties began at 4:00 p.m. and Lori Fortner excused herself while Teel Mullanix, Lee Randall and John Olson conducted an interview for the Road Department. After the interview the board left the office to tour the fairgrounds.

After hearing no further public comment, the board adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Commissioner Chair Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Lori Fortner and John Olson were present.

Commissioners reviewed and approved the consent agenda.

The board and Road Supervisor Teel Mullanix left the office to drive the E River Road.

The board returned and met with Adam Johnson, EMS Director, to discuss EMS issues and concerns.

The board then met with Clerk & Recorder, Cynde Jo Gatlin, to continue budget discussions.

The board then at 1:00 p.m. conducted a joint meeting with the Predator Board in the election room.

Nadine Elmore and Kylie Randall met with the board along with Julie Stoddard and Angela Mendoza via Zoom to discuss the Nursing Home Feasibility Study. The application paperwork was reviewed. The project timeline was discussed, and Stoddard asked the commissioners and Elmore to review and make any recommendations for changes if needed. The Zoom meeting ended. Elmore and Randall stayed to continue the nursing home meeting. Discussion continued to PT/OT malpractice insurance and Elmore suggest the county make sure coverage for the PT/OT therapist is under Powder River County. Commissioners suggested Elmore reach out to Broadus Insurance.

A concerned citizen stopped in to inquire on the county’s Road Department and blading of the roads.

The preliminary budget hearing began at 3:00 p.m. Sheriff Boman and Dave Gardner joined the meeting. Clerk and Recorder Cynde Jo Gatlin and the commissioners reviewed requested budgets. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. and will continue on Thursday, August 31, 2023, at 1:00 p.m.


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