Broadus Town Council Minutes


Regular Council Meeting

July 11, 2023 @ 5:00 pm

Present at the meeting were Mayor Chad Gatlin, Public Works Raymond Ragsdale, Public Works Cassidy Zimmer, Councilperson Wanda Smith, Councilperson Raevyn Slovek, Councilperson Cody Morris, Clerk/ Treasurer Josie Morris.

Mayor Chad Gatlin called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, the council reviewed the previous minutes. Mayor Gatlin asked if all delinquent water/sewer bills had been settled as well as what the next steps were in the event; they are still delinquent. Clerk Morris updated the council on the current standings of all but one delinquent account being settled or having signed a payment agreement. With no further questions, Councilperson Slovek made a motion to approve the previous minutes, Councilperson Smith seconded the motion; motion carried.

Unfinished business began with Mayor Gatlin requesting the status on letters to property owners in town who may be in violation of Ordinance 2022-01 that discusses Community Decay; Junk Vehicles; Nuisances, etc. Only one letter and/or documentation of ordinance violation(s) has been issued at this time.

New business included Clerk Morris discussing the new audit contract with Denning, Downey, & Associates for Fiscal Years 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 since all revenues including grants were higher than anticipated. Clerk Morris also informed the council of progress with beginning budget for fiscal year 2023-2024.

Public Works Ragsdale updated the council on waiting for ARPA funds until August due to their office closing for 6-8 weeks for their audits. Project paperwork is done and dates to begin are being lined out once funding is received. Plans to clean and complete repairs to steel water storage tank were discussed. B&L Traub assisted the town with installing new pipe in the hill well and fusing it together for longevity.

Public Works Zimmer thanked the council and clerk for initiating a letter to the county with attention to commissioners documenting the rule of no inflatable bounce houses or other apparatuses in the town park.

This documentation coordinates with Montana Municipal Interlock Authority’s (MMIA) liability coverage with excludes these apparatuses. PW Zimmer also informed the council on the men’s bathroom within the park having been vandalized in June which resulted in complete replacement of the soap dispenser and paper towel dispenser.

He then gave credit to public works employees Donna Wilson and Cooper Zimmer on their hard work keeping everything mowed and cleaned up around town. Credit was given to Cooper for picking up all the major branches around town after the storm. All mowers have had maintenance this summer but are running smoothly.

PW Zimmer and Clerk Morris then discussed the sale of fireworks within town limits as well as stands or set ups being on town right away in the park. In the past it was allowed by the council for the VFW to sell fireworks within town limits.

Last year, the VFW passed their duty on due to limited staff and time to complete the process. After this, the council made it possible for Red’s Fireworks to sell fireworks within town limits. PW Zimmer and Clerk Morris spoke with a MMIA Liability representative, where it was stated that any stand or set up that is classified as a “permanent” structure should not be on town right away or property due to exclusion of coverage. Moving forward, all “permanent” structures such as fireworks stands or setups must be placed on private property with consent from property owner and not on town right away or town property.

In conclusion, the next regular council meeting was set with an earlier start time of 5:00 p.m. With no further business before the council, Councilperson Morris moved to adjourn. Councilperson Slovek seconded the motion. Mayor Gatlin adjourned this meeting of the Broadus Town Council at 5:39 p.m.

Chad Gatlin, Mayor

Josie Morris, Clerk/Treasurer


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