Commissioner Proceedings

Monday, June 26, 2023

Commissioner Chair Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Lori Fortner and John Olson were present.

Commissioners reviewed and approved the consent agenda.

The minutes of the June 12 and 15, 2023 commissioner proceedings were read, approved, and ordered published.

Consent agenda was reviewed.

Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, met with the board. Mullanix reported on two larger road damage areas from the recent storm this weekend. Mullanix has closed the road from Moorhead Bridge to Bloom Creek during the repair time. He also reported he will be hiring Bill Gay and Scott Sanburn to haul gravel for the repair work. Mullanix will be reaching out to Sacrison Paving to begin the process of chip sealing on the Cemetery Road. Dan Davis joined the meeting. The rental tractor at the fair barn was discussed and the county has decided they will need a tractor with a larger engine. The Boyes Road was discussed and Mullanix reported he has estimed a repair cost of $40,000.00.

Hattie Arithson, County Treasurer, met with the board to present April and May 2023 securities and interest.

The board then reviewed and signed Resolution 2023-21, Resolution to Amend Budget, John Olson motioned to approve, Lori Fortner seconded the motion, motion carried.

Resolution 2023-22, A Resolution of the Powder River County Board of Commissioners Authorizing the Submission of an MCEP Infrastructure Planning Grant Application for a Bridge Preliminary Engineering Report. John Olson motioned to approve, Lori Fortner seconded the motion, motion carried.

Resolution 2023-23, A Resolution of the Powder River County Board of Commissioners Authorizing the Submission of an MCEP Infrastructure Planning Grant Application for a Comprehensive Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan. John Olson motioned to approve, Lori Fortner seconded the motion, motion carried.

The board then met with Great West Engineer Brandon Duffy and Daniel Wicks to discuss the CIP and options the county will need to decide on to move forward in the grant process. The board reviewed the two options provided by Great West Engineering and will make a final decision at a later meeting date.

The EDA Bridge Pre-Construction meeting began with Teel Mullanix, Tim Stradinger, Daniel Wicks, Brandon Duffy and TA Construction employees present. The group discussed dates and time schedules for the bridge replacements.

The board then met to review the expired 2022-23 contracts. Clerk and Recorder Cynde Jo Gatlin joined the meeting and requested the board to consider moving the renewal of contracts to every two years on odd years. Gatlin stated the reasoning for her request will be to eliminate the contract renewal during an election year. After discussion the board renewed contracts with a two-year expiration date and authorized Gatlin to send out new contracts to be signed.

Adam Johnson, EMS Director, met with the board to discuss the Upgraded EMS Equipment Grant for $247,000.00. The grant will require 10% match and will be provided by the county and SCDC. The county’s portion will be $12,375.00.

The board then left the office to tour the county fairgrounds and arena to determine needs and potential upgrades for the upcoming fiscal year budget.

The board then spent the remainder of the day reading correspondence and taking care of various administrative duties.

After hearing no further public comment, the board adjourned and will reconvene Friday, June 30, 2023.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Due to lack of quorum no official meeting was held. Commissioner Lori Fortner was in the office until noon and conducted administrative duties.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Commissioner Chair Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioner Lori Fortner was present and John Olson was absent.

The board began the morning with the appointment of a Library Board member. Barb Mitchell, Library Director, joined the meeting. The board reviewed the interested parties and took public comment. After discussion, Lori Fortner motioned to appoint Bailey Walker, Lee Randall seconded the motion, motion carried.

Nadine Elmore, Nursing Home Administrator, phoned in to visit with the board. Elmore requested the board to sign the locum contract with Wilderness Medical Staffing for the option of locums if there is an absence of PA at the clinic in the future. The board reviewed the contract and signed for approval. Discussion then continued the potential creation of an administrative assistant to the nursing home administration. Elmore will work on a job description and various needs and requirements this new position will consist of and meet again later to discuss with the board.

The board then left the office to drive and tour county roads and they were out of the office the remainder of the day.

The board will reconvene Monday, July 10, 2023.


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