Bowhunter Ed Class Coming Up

A free Bowhunter Education course for Montana youths and adults will take place in Broadus June 24 and 25 at Instructor Jeff Noble's office at the courthouse.

Potential students must register online in advance, and must be at least 11 years of age by the first day of class.

Attendance on both days is required. Youths need to bring parent or guardian on first day to sign permission slips. Registration is open through June 16.

After registering online, please contact Jeff Noble at 436-2365 or 853-3153 to indicate that you are planning to take the class. Pick up class materials at courthouse no later than June 16 so you can review them in advance.

Bringing a bow to Sunday's field day session is not required but is recommended. No online students will be accepted for this field day.


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