VFW Auxiliary News

By Annie Brimmer

The VFW Auxiliary met Tuesday, May 2, 2023 for their regular monthly meeting. They had installation of officers for the coming year. Post Commander Marty Drane was installing officer for the auxiliary officer installation. Officers for the ensuing year are President - Annie Brimmer, Sr. Vice President - Molly Lloyd, Jr. Vice President - Nina Schaffer, Secretary - Pat Ridenour, Treasurer - Tracey Gorder, Chaplain - Margaret Scoles, Guard - Sue Richards, Conductress - Ginger Bird, Patriotic Instructor - Bev Rightnour, Trustees - Margaret Scoles, Carole Richards, and Karen Amende. Program Chairmen will be appointed at a later date.

Seven 1595 auxiliary members attended District Six meeting in Jordan, April 29th. They were Margaret Scoles, Ginger Bird, Tracey Gorder, Pat Ridenour, Sue Richards, Patti Brix and Annie Brimmer. Post member Marty Drane was also in attendance. Several of our auxiliary members came home with offices – they include Sue Richards - Jr. Vice President, Ginger Bird - Treasurer, Pat Ridenour - Chaplain, Musician - Annie Brimmer and Trustee 1 year - Tracey Gorder.

Jordan members were very gracious hosts and it was a good get together.

Moving ahead we will be working with the Post for Memorial Day ceremonies May 29, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at the cemetery. In addition to the ceremony, flags will be placed on veterans and auxiliary members graves prior to Memorial Day. The auxiliary will have refreshments at the shelter too. We’re glad to have Pat Hanlan back with our Buddy Poppies and she plans to have them on display Memorial Day.

After the close of the meeting we had a farewell celebration for Patti Brix. She will be so missed but we wish her well and I know she may be many miles away but she will be close in heart and the contacts will continue. Thank you, Patti, for so many years of faithful service – to our organization and to your family. May your blessings be many.


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