4-Hers Demonstrate Speaking Skills

By PR Extension Office

On a beautiful spring afternoon, 4-Hers shared the steps on completing a variety of projects with judges, families, and friends. "We learned how to fold a flag, germinate seeds, make a straw rocket and "bake" a chocolate chip cookie in only a minute," according to Powder River County MSU Extension Agent Julie Riley. The 4-Hers topics were creative, varied and fun to watch. Several newer 4-H members watched the presentations to prepare for next year. 4-H Demonstration Day is the best 4-H event for building public speaking skills the kids can use throughout life.

Molly Lloyd and John Olson, two community-minded people dedicated to inspiring and helping youth, explained Agent Mary Rumph, evaluated the contestants and placed them.

Noah Dudek demonstrated, "How to Prepare Seed Sprouts"; Hanna Dudek shared, "How to use a Voltage Meter"; Sammie Hart explained, "How to Fold an American Flag"; Delaney Ruland demonstrated "Waterglassing Eggs"; Clinton Handran made "A One Minute Microwave Cookie"; John Dudek created, "A Straw Rocket"; Kaylan Reaves shared, "Oranges as a Source of Renewable Energy", Paisley Harper demonstrated, "How to Make Koolaid"; Cloverbud member Leo Dudek created, "How to Make a Paper Hat". Delaney Ruland capped the event by sharing a poem she had written.

Grand Champion Junior Demonstration honors went to Delaney Ruland and Sammie Hart received Reserve Grand Champion.

Grand Champion First Year Demonstration honors went to Kaylan Reaves and Clinton Handran received Reserve Grand Champion.


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