Junior High BPA Place At State Competition

By: Whitney Hartman, JH BPA Reporter

On March 11, the members of Business Professionals of America went to Billings for the State Competition. That day, the members watched, played in, cheered for, or played band for the State Basketball game, went to the mall, and ate supper at the Cracker Barrel.

The next morning, they went to MSUB to compete in many events with opening ceremonies that night.

On Monday, the students went to many different workshops and later went to the awards ceremony for the open tests in which many of the students received awards.

Justin Aye did very well, getting 2nd place in Business Fundamentals Concepts, 3rd place in Computer Literacy Concepts, 4th place in Business Communications Skills Concepts, and 7th place in Business Math Concepts.

Kassie Hagedorn earned 10th place in Business Communications Skills Concepts.

Eli Jurica placed well, with a 1st place in Computer Literacy Concepts.

Whitney Hartman also did well, placing 3rd in Business Math Concepts.

Later that evening, many students had fun at karaoke.

On Tuesday morning the bus left for the awards ceremony at 8:30 a.m. Justin Aye received more awards at the event including 1st place in Spreadsheet Applications and 7th place in Financial Literacy.

Kassie Hagedorn did very well on Word Processing, placing 1st place and 8th place in Digital Citizenship.

Eli Jurica did very great in Financial Literacy, achieving 4th place.

Whitney Hartman also did well, placing 8th in Financial Literacy.

Justin Aye, Kassie Hagedorn, and Eli Jurica got 1st place in Administrative Support Team. Brock Gali, Whitney Hartman, and Christian Oylear placed 3rd place in Presentation Team.

The students left around noon to go to Subway and head back to Broadus, arriving there around the time school ended. It was a great and successful trip!


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