Regular Council Meeting
February 7, 2023 @ 6:00 pm
Present at the meeting were Mayor Chad Gatlin, Councilperson Lori Turnbough, Councilperson Raevyn Slovek, Councilperson Cody Morris, Public Works Raymond Ragsdale, Public Works Cassidy Zimmer, Clerk Josie Morris, Judge Rebecca McEuen, Guests Melissa Billing, Julie Riley, and Mary Rumph.
Mayor Gatlin called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Clerk Morris recapped on minutes from last meeting and asked if there were any questions or concerns, with none brought up.
Mayor Gatlin turned it over to guests Billing, Riley, and Rumph to introduce and discuss the Powder River Area Economic Development Community Initiative (PRAEDCI) Group that would like the Town of Broadus to sponsor the Montana Main Street Program (MMS). The Town Council on behalf of the Town of Broadus would sponsor the program; the clerk would manage fund distribution and maintain paperwork such as applications, grant awards, etc. through the MMS Program to help our community with improvements in the future. The hope is by using the Main Street Program for help with funding of our improvements, we will be freeing up grant funds for other areas that need funding assistance within the community, town, and county.
Currently the PRAEDCI Group and the Town of Broadus hope to become a member of the MMS Program in order to receive funds for creating a master plan for the town. Councilperson Slovek made a motion to apply to be a member of the Main Street program and coordinate with the PRAEDCI Group; Councilperson Turnbough seconded the motion.
Guest Julie Riley introduced the Neighbor Works Program to the council which would open up a program for 0% interest rates, help with housing loans for first time home buyers or someone who has not owned a home in 3 or more years. This program serves families and individuals with 80% median income and below. This program has to be sponsored by a town or county jurisdiction and have an elected official's approval.
The program was brought to the commissioners, however, they believed the town to be a better fit as Public Works Ragsdale would be needed to establish if a home was in the floodplain or not as families or individuals work through the program. Mayor Gatlin agreed to be the elected official from the jurisdiction of the Town of Broadus.
Public Works Ragsdale informed the council that he has been working on obtaining bids for repainting the town's water storage tank. There were no final bids at this time.
Mayor Gatlin swore in to office Rebecca McEuen for another term as Town Judge and Public Works Cassidy Zimmer as Secondary Judge.
Clerk Morris discussed unfinished business regarding online billing. As little interest has been acquired thus far, an ad will be issued in the Powder River Examiner for a second time and a message was printed on the 2/3/2023 water bills as well in the hopes of giving every community member a chance to express their interest with the online billing software to the Town Office (436-2409). The cash receipting software required by the Auditor has been paid for and the town is waiting for installation as Black Mountain Software has many people on their list. Clerk Morris also updated the council on her efforts to finish the website creation and hopes of launching it soon.
Public Works Zimmer addressed that he had not yet received the new cylinder for "Sandy" that had to be ordered when damage was found during one of his many days of snow removal. The current cylinder is repaired to the best of his ability and in working order until the new cylinder arrives. Zimmer updated the council on the purchase of "Snow White", the new dump truck which has proved to be a good investment thus far. Zimmer also introduced the idea of a 20 ft Conex box for office storage to replace the old shed out back, a new front sign, and possible repainting exterior of building in the upcoming budget. The council agreed with these ideas and will address them further when the new budget is established. Lastly, Zimmer gave a report on the new garbage truck stating that it was not yet built, and thought they have discovered some technical issues and minor problems with the equipment.
Clerk Morris introduced a new payroll program through Black Mountain Software to the council that would eliminate human error, provide better support and backup for W2's, Sched B reports, 941 reports, workman's comp files, as well as vacation/sick/comp time for employees. It would also communicate with our current accounting and receipting software which would eliminate steps, store all reports in one place, and allow easier state and federal reporting. A motion was made by Councilperson Turnbough to approve the payroll software; Councilperson Morris seconded the motion.
Clerk Morris also addressed the raise coming up in April/May in terms of how it correlates to other positions with similar duties within the town and county. With no further business before the Council, Councilperson Turnbough moved to adjourn. Councilperson Slovek seconded the motion. Mayor Gatlin adjourned this meeting of the Broadus Town Council at 7:22 pm.
Chad Gatlin, Mayor
Josie Morris, Clerk
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