From The Examiner Files
August 18, 1922
Here’s Your Candidates for Primary Election
For State Legislature
HUGO CAMPLIN, age 37; Broadus precinct; Republican; editor and manager Powder River County Examiner; candidate for representative in the state legislature. Qualifications: Personal contact with the people keeps me posted as to legislation desired for improvement of existing conditions affecting the home, and livestock and farming industries. Residence in this country: Came here from Sheridan, Wyo., in February 1920; married; three children; taxpayer on real estate and personal property. I am for legislation that would be directly beneficial to stockmen and farmers, namely, inspection of livestock at shipping points, revision of law on grain grading and dockage, equalization of taxation, keeping in county for road work all money collected from automobile licenses; against legislation carrying heavy appropriations.
JOHN L. SCOFIELD, age 70, Biddle precinct; Republican; farmer and stockgrower; candidate for representative in the state legislature. Qualifications: Seven years’ experience as member of a municipal council and one regular and one special session of the Montana legislature. Residence in country: 38 years in country, 16 years on Little Powder; married, no dependents. A heavy taxpayer on both real estate and personal property. Stands for strict economy and reduction and equalization of the burden of taxation, a permanent tax commission with power to investigate and equalize tax matters and a constitutional amendment that ordains that every piece of public property shall according to its value bear its equal burden of taxation.
For County Commissioner
BAXTER PIERCE, no answers.
For County Treasurer
JOHN T. WILSON, age 41; Broadus precinct; Republican; candidate of county treasurer. Qualifications: Experience as county treasurer for the past 17 months. Residence in this country: Have been a resident of this vicinity the past 19 years continuously. Single, with three children; taxpayer on both real estate and livestock. I stand for office handled in a most efficient and economical manner and a square deal to everyone.
For County Clerk and Recorder
A.J. HALEY, age 32; Graham precinct; Republican; rancher and dairyman; candidate for clerk and recorder. Qualifications: Twelve years office experience, mostly in railroad offices, treasurer of this county during the years of 1919 and 1920. Residence in this country: U.S.A. all of my life, Montana 10 years, this county six years; married, four dependents; taxpayer on real estate and livestock. I am for complying with the law in employing office help, giving preference to those with dependents where ability is sufficient; faithful performance of duties; application of the Golden Rule in dealing with the public; cooperation among officers to expedite handling county business and reducing expenses in every way to the lowest minimum consistent with good management.
F.T. WEST, of lawful age, Broadus precinct; Republican; present county clerk and recorder; candidate for re-nomination. Qualifications: If present term is filled out, it will give me over ten years’ experience in Montana and Dakota. Residence in this country: Broadus, Montana; married, dependents, wife; taxpayer on real estate and livestock. I stand for, last but not least, a square deal for every one.
For County Sheriff
MOODY HARRINGTON, age 50 years; Broadus precinct; Republican; stockman. Candidate for sheriff. Qualifications: Four years as deputy. Residence in this country: 30 years in Montana, Wyoming and Dakotas. Married, nine dependents; taxpayer on livestock. I am for a square deal.
VAL A. LOESCH, age 50 years in September; Steadman precinct; Republican; rancher; candidate for sheriff. Qualifications: Business education and a westerner’s experience and acquaintance with the country in the county. Residence in country: An inhabitant of this country for over 30 years and resident of this state over 45 years. Married: wife and five children; taxpayer on real estate. I stand for strict economy, enforcement of the law, impartiality to all.
FRANCIS A. ROSS, age 39 years and 10 months; Reder precinct; Republican; farmer and stock raiser. Candidate for sheriff. Qualifications: have been deputy. I am acquainted with the country in Powder River county having rode the range for the past ten years. Residence in this country: I came to Montana from Wyoming in 1908. Married: wife and one boy. Have a section and half of land, a bunch of cattle and horses. I believe in enforcement of the law and think all public offices should be run as conservative as possible.
L.R. WARREN; age 46; Stacey precinct; Republican; rancher and stockman; candidate for sheriff. Qualifications: Two years and five months’ experience as deputy and undersheriff in Powder River county. I have common school education. Residence in this country: For the last 33 years my home has been in the counties of Dawson, Custer and Powder River. Married, two dependents; taxpayer on real estate and livestock. I stand for enforcement of all laws at all times and a fair, square deal to all persons. If nominated and elected I will conscientiously perform the duties of the office economically and efficiently to the best of my ability. I solicit and will appreciate all support given to me.
For County Attorney
E.A. BLENKNER, age 27; Broadus precinct; Republican; lawyer; candidate for county attorney. Qualifications: Graduate of College of Arts and Sciences and also School of Law of the University of Montana. Residence in this county: six years. Single, no dependents. Taxpayer on real estate or livestock: Yes. I stand for law and order, a square deal, protection of property rights, efficiency, economy, no useless litigation.
NOEL A. BURKEY, age 32 years; Graham precinct; Republican; lawyer. Candidate for county attorney. Qualifications: Practiced law since June 1915, county attorney of Powder River county since April, 1919, wide acquaintance with people and conditions of this county. Residence in this country: in Custer and Powder River counties since 1909. Married, two children; taxpayer on real estate and personal property. What I stand for: Will give you faithful service. The elimination of crime by preventative measures, the adjustment of petty grievances at minimum expense, due respect for the rights of residents and taxpayers, no special favors to persons or cliques; will use my influence to make peace, not trouble, between parties, when fictions occurs.
For County Surveyor
No candidate.
For County Coroner
No candidate.
For Public Administration
No candidate.
For County Assessor
FRANK DALY, no answers.
HOWARD VANNETT, age 26, born in southeastern Montana in 1896; Broadus precinct; stock raiser; candidate for county assessor. Qualifications: I have finished a business course in a business college at Battle Creek, Mich. Residence in this country: I have lived in southeastern Montana practically all my life. Married; taxpayer on real estate and livestock. I stand to work for the best interests of the taxpayers.
M.T. (TED) WILEY, age 30; Broadus precinct; Republican; abstractor. Candidate for county assessor. Qualifications: Owned and operated a ranch for three years; ten years’ office experience, including three years of title work which furnishes thorough understanding of all county records. Residence in this county: Since its creation and a resident of Custer county since 1910; Married; one child; taxpayer on real estate and personal property. I stand for equalization of valuations, changing assessments only on authentic information – no on suspicion. When raises are necessary, to communicate with the parties if possible in an effort to adjust the raise; enforcing rigid economy in an honest effort to eliminate issuance of refunding bonds against the credit of Powder River county.
J.D. WILLIAMS, 60 past; Broadus precinct; Republican; county assessor; candidate for county assessor. Qualifications: Am fully acquainted with the routine workings of the office, experience has qualified me for the job, and will make good. Married; dependents, wife; taxpayer on assessable property, on land and improvements, $4,798; Broadus property, $1,560. Total assessed value of all property, $6,358. Declaration: Will administer without fear or favor justice to all; will further the interest of the office as a natural living thing, created by the people, for the people, and am for equalization of all property; will not allow any property to escape taxation knowingly, and will stand for a square deal.
For Superintendent of Schools
J.I. WESPHAL, 31 years; Broadus precinct; Republican; school teacher. Candidate for county superintendent of schools. Qualifications: I am a high school graduate; have done summer school work at Washington State college and Miles City summer school. I hold a professional certificate and have had ten years of successful teaching experience in both rural and high school work. Residence in this country: I was born in the U.S.A. Married five years; dependents one, a wife; taxpayer on real estate in Fallon county. I stand for a salary schedule for teachers throughout the county based upon preparation for teaching, experience and certification; co-operation with teachers and school trustees so that a dollar spent will buy a dollar’s worth of service, this to be accomplished by at least one personal visit to every school district each year; the business of the county superintendent’s office being conducted so that the taxpayer and the school child will both get a square deal.
For State Legislature
JULIAN TERRETT, age 31 years; Bradenberg precinct; Democrat; rancher and stockman; candidate for representative in the state legislature. Qualifications: Graduate of the University Michigan, four years’ experience in the practice of law, raised in the stock business, progressive but not radical. Residence in this country: 27 years. Married, one dependent; taxpayer on both real estate and livestock. I stand for the same careful administration in public business as is required in a private business. I am opposed to any increase in the amount of taxation, state inheritance and income tax laws and the creation of new commissions. I believe in fewer laws and less regulation of private business.
For County Commissioner
JOHN BROADDUS, age 57 years; Cache Creek precinct; Democrat; candidate for county commissioner. Qualifications: Good sound judgment and the experience to know the valuation of property, real estate and livestock. Residence in Montana, 34 years. Married, one dependent; taxpayer on real estate and livestock. I stand for good roads, better schools and a more economical administration for the taxpayers of Powder River county.
For County Treasurer
W.W. PALMER, no answers.
For County Clerk and Recorder
A.B. NORRIS, age 38; Broadus precinct; Democrat; deputy county treasurer; candidate for county clerk and recorder. Qualifications: Ten years’ office, banking and county experience high school and business college graduate. Residence in this country: Nine and one-half years. Married, four children; taxpayer on real estate. I stand for efficient service to the public at the least possible expense to the taxpayers.
For County Sheriff
BENJAMIN N. JOHNSON, age 36; Broadus precinct; Democrat; rancher; candidate for county sheriff. Qualifications: Possess a fair education, experienced in office work; deputy sheriff for short periods in other states; one year in United States Army Secret Service. Residence in this country: Native born citizen; have resided in what is now Powder River county, for a little over fourteen years. Single, no dependents; taxpayer on both real estate and livestock. I stand for efficiency in office with reasonable expense; co-operation of sheriff and county attorney; no jobs for relatives; better methods of stock inspection; conducting the office according to law with judgment and common sense; equal protection to life and property in all parts of the county.
GEO. E. LEWIS, no answers.
W.E. SUTTER, age 39; Broadus precinct; Democrat; stockman; candidate for county sheriff. Qualifications: Sheriff of county since April, 1919; deputy sheriff under Middleton in Custer county and what is not Powder River county for six years. Residence in this country: 20 years, born in Montana. Married, two children; taxpayer on livestock. I stand for faithful service, eliminating crime by preventative measures, adjust petty grievances at minimum expense. Sheriffs by law must handle civil process. My office has successfully handles 40 foreclosures and served 279 official papers since January 1, 1921. My experience is and will be used for benefit of the taxpayers.
For County Attorney
No candidate.
For County Surveyor
F.L. FUNKENBUSCH, no answers.
For County Coroner
No candidate.
For County Assessor
O.W. CASON, age 39; Epsie precinct; Democrat; rancher; candidate for county assessor. Qualifications: High school education; one year office work for National Biscuit Co., bookkeeper two years for Augusta Mercantile Co., Residence in this country: In this state 31 years, in this county 7 years. Married, baby; taxpayer on real estate and livestock. I stand for efficiency and economy, a square deal to all and partiality to none; work for the best interests of the people of Powder River county; keep the expense down in maintaining this office, and do all the work alone when possible.
For Superintendent of Schools
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