Eight Emergency Medical Technicians from the Powder River First Responders attended a class on Friday and Saturday taught by Ryan Pitts of Logan Health. Pitts is also the Assistant Professor of Emergency Management Systems at Flathead Valley Community College in Kalispell, as well as a nurse and paramedic. The class centered around state endorsements of specialized skills such as Medication Administration, Airway placement, IVs and IOs.
Powder River County EMS Director Adam Johnson told us about the skills learned in the class: "The standard IV, or intravenous therapy most folks are familiar with involves a needle inserted into a vein, which is then often attached to an extension line or IV bag to administer fluids or medications.
The IO, or Intraosseous procedure, assists in the administration of fluids or medications to patients. The IO device is placed in locations such as the tibial tuberosity (upper end of the tibia below the knee) or just below the humeral head of the upper arm. This form of treatment is often used in conditions such as cardiac arrest or severe trauma patients that meet specific criteria where a vein is difficult to find.
The increased training and endorsements of the Powder River EMTs ensures that interventions and medications can be appropriately provided to patients in emergency situations directly by the EMT's or while the EMT's are assisting Paramedics. These new skills can increase a patient's chances of survival both on scene and during transport until definitive care can be reached."
EMTs attending the class included Chad Harrington, Morgan Weller, Josh Boman, Logan Mobley, Alyssa Queer, Jan Stevens, John Herman, and Gina Vineyard, and also attending was Sheriff's Deputy Ayche Draine.
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