Voices From The Past

From the Examiner Files

June 23, 1922

Bridge on Little Powder is Saved

Volunteer workers from Broadus and nearby points saved the steel bridge across Little Powder River near the Pemberton ranch from being washed out while the river was at its height the latter part of last week. Both Friday and Saturday, several automobile loads of workers were rushed to the scene, carrying with them several hundred empty sacks, axes and shovels. They worked like beavers felling cottonwood trees and throwing trunks and branches into the washed-out place at the east approach to the bridge. It is estimated that fully 500 sacks of sand were dumped into the washout and Osborn Pemberton supplied two racks of hay for the same purpose. It was an emergency that was promptly met for the water was within a foot of tearing away the remaining small strip of ground that still connected with the bridge. Had the bridge gone out a new channel would have been formed east of its present course that would left the bridge stranded across the old channel. Several years ago above the Pemberton ranch the river changed its channel during a floodtide and an expense of about $3,000 was incurred in moving it to its present location. Traffic is now coming across the bridge by using planks over the washout.

The floodtide in other streams either damaged or put out of commission nearly every wooden bridge. The steel bridge across Crow Creek on the Powderville Road is out, and the same conditions pertains to the steel bridge across the Little Powder River at the Cross ranch where the approaches were washed away for many feet. Three wooden bridges on East Fork are out; one wooden bridge is gone on Bowers Creek but is to be replaced with a steel bridge. A wooden bridge on Dry Creek above Moorhead is out. Other wooden bridges are gone on Swain’s draw on Ranch Creek, and on Deer Creek, Wolf Creek and a score of other creeks. The steel bridge on Powder River at the Daily Ranch which was left high and dry several years ago by the river changing channel is now covering a portion of the river by its sudden notion to get back into the old bed. Another wing built to this bridge would put it into commission again. The bridge was not in use at the time of this county’s creation and Custer County made of it a donation. Road fills have been damaged and dirt approaches to nearly every bridge have been badly washed.

Several artificial dams were unable to perform the task of impounding the unprecedented amount of water that was thrown into them and they gave way, among them the Franklin dams on Horse Creek and the Matter dam on Little Pilgrim Creek.

June 20, 1947

Carnival Company Spent 3 Days Here

The Standard Show, a carnival company, loafing on their way to Miles City where they are billed for the Range Riders celebration, set up in Broadus for three days this week and this proved to be a Roman holiday for the children as well as the grownups of the community. This is by far the largest show outfit to have played here. The carnival set up on the Farmers Union lots at the hotel corner and because of the limited space they were unable to have all of the attractions advertised. There were five rides including a ferris wheel, roll plane, miniature railroad, octopus, and small plane rides for children. A number of concessions completely filled the show grounds.

June 22, 1972

Local News

At the rodeo at Hulett, Wyo. last weekend several local rodeo fans and contestants came back to Powder River County with smiles on their faces! Gene Hannon and Gene Marsh won first in the average, Joe Irion and Corky Irion placed third in one go-around, Jim Espy and Hugh Espy placed second in the average, Jimmy Espy and Jim Evans placed fourth in a go-around, and Mrs. Verlin Popp tied for first place in the barrel racing competition.

June 19, 1997

Local Youth Fare Well at High School Rodeos

By Jeanne Sparks

Youth from the Broadus area are tough competitors at the sport of rodeo as seen in the results from two of the most recent high school/youth rodeo competitions.

Richland County High School and Youth Rodeo, Sidney, May 31 and June 1, 2 go average results are as follows: High School Division: Poles: 1st - Cody Portwine; Saddle Bronc: 3rd - Jiggs Bilbrey; Goat Tying: 2nd - Cody Portwine; Team Roping: 3rd - Levi Butts and All-Around Girl: 1st - Cody Portwine. Junior Division: Flag Race: 1st - Sheldon Portwine and Goat Tying: 3rd - Ashley Williams.

District II High School Rodeo, Baker, June 7, 2 to average results: Queen Contest: 1st runner up - Nancy Turnbough; Poles: 2nd - Cody Portwine; Saddle Bronc: 1st - Jiggs Bilbrey and Goat Tying: 3rd - Cody Portwine.

Competitors headed for the State High School Rodeo later this month are Mike Allen, Bull Riding; Jiggs Bilbrey, Saddle Bronc; Levi Butts, Team Roping and Calf Roping; Jesse Fleming, Team Roping and Calf Roping; Grant Gatlin, Saddle Bronc; Cody Portwine, Barrels, Poles, Goat Tying and Girls Cow Cutting; and Nancy Turnbough, Queen Contestant.

Aaron Adams is also qualified in Calf Roping and Bull Riding but had the misfortune of breaking a bone in his leg at Sidney so is out of competition for a few weeks.

All of these kids qualified for state by gathering at least 20 points per event at rodeos this season or placing 1st through 4th at their district rodeo.

State High School Rodeo is in Dillon, the week of June 18-21. By competing at State these young people have a chance to qualify for the largest rodeo in the world, National High School Finals Rodeo, this year to be held at Pueblo, Colorado.


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