Letters To The Editor


What is a sealed bid process?

There are typically 5 steps in sealed bidding:

Prepare the invitation for bid. The government (in this case School Board) must describe their requirements clearly, accurately and completely.

Publicize the invitation for bids.

Submission of bids- opened at the time and place stated in the invitation for bids.

Evaluation of bids without discussion.

Contract Awarded. The publicly opened bid most advantageous to the government (lowest bid) will be awarded the contract.

This is the bid process for government agencies all over the country. In 2020 Ty bid on a route and was $.29 lower than the other bidder. The board accepted the higher bid which throughout the life of the contract will cost the local taxpayer approximately $125,000. In March of 2022, we bid on an bus route that was up for bids. We ironically were $.29 lower than the other bidder. The publicly opened bids were tabled. In April, the board decided to rebid the routes due to contract changes. Why were the contracts put out for bid if they were not correct? Is the purpose to see what the bids are under the terms they created and now we need to change the terms, because we didn't like the bids that came in. Or is the goal to keep bidding until the "right" contractor bids the lowest. Why even have a bid process, if the process isn't going to be followed? If you have questions, I'll gladly answer them. Just ask.

Trish Robinson, a very concerned taxpayer


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