Health Fair Update

By Kerry Gardner

Our representative from Billings Clinic Lab called and shared the good news that their lab will be offering Health Fair labs with a few stipulations. We are only able to do 99 people at one time and we are not to draw on a Monday and a Friday, but we are able to offer more than one day to hold the blood draw. What exciting news!

The tests will be the same, CBC - complete blood count, CMP - complete metabolic panel, including electrolytes, heart, kidney and liver enzymes, TSH –thyroid hormone, Lipid panel- cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL and LDL. There is PSA – prostate test for men over 50, Hemoglobin A1c for diabetics and Vitamin- D level. These are all screening tests and you will obtain a copy for your provider and it is up to you to make sure they receive the results. If you want the results mailed to you, please bring a self-addressed and stamped envelope with your payment or at any time prior to the drawing. In order for your spouse or someone else to pick up your results, you MUST either sign a note stating this or call the office to clarify who has your permission to pick up your results. We will NOT give results to anyone, including spouses WITHOUT your permission.

We do ask that all tests are pre-paid 2 weeks prior to the date of the test, as we don’t have time to call each and every one to remind them to pay. Please be considerate and pay early.

Our first date will be Wednesday, April 13th at Community Center for 50 people starting at 8:00 AM. Debbie Harrington will sign up those in the Boyes/Hammond area to be drawn at the Hammond School. Please call her at 427-5383 to schedule a time. Please bring your stamped, self-addressed envelope and payment to her and your results will be mailed to you as soon as they are available. We will plan on having 99 people drawn this day between Hammond and Broadus.

On Wednesday, April 20th we will draw starting at 7:15 AM to allow for those that need to be at work by 8:00 AM. We will draw 99 people that morning. Again, sign up early if you need a special time and we will try to accommodate everyone. If we have demand for more than 199 people wanting their labs drawn we will push for day #3 the next week. We do need everyone to sign up as soon as possible to complete our paperwork and make sure we have volunteers to make our drawing go smooth.

The success of our Health Fair is due to our faithful volunteers in this community who help year after year, in fact, most of our help has been with us for 26 years. This is amazing feat and says something about our community volunteers. Please thank them when you see them, as this event would not happen without their help. THANK YOU to Terri Bird, Lynnette Janssen, Stacey Brown, Tina Thompson, Randy Sullivan, Sharon Collins, Debbie Harrington, Twin Klar, Jaci Phillips, Darlynn Williams, Cynde Trucano, Krista Gnerer, Julie Russell, Taylor Price, Julie Collins, Leah Harrington, Lori Stokes, Katie Copps and Tammy Bayles. We thank Jena Devries for her help with Billings Clinic lab. Pat Hanlan will greet you and have Buddy Poppies available in honor of Veterans.

We ask that you pre-register and pre-pay by Friday April 1st, 2022 to allow for paperwork completion and need to contact volunteers accordingly. I know this is somewhat different, but we are thankful for the opportunity to offer this service for the community and we are doing the best with the options we have.

Please call 406-436-2651 to register and if you have any questions.


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