4-H News

Mizpah Masters 4-H News

The Mizpah Masters held their 1st meeting on October 17, 2021 at the Catholic Church. Our President, Becca Aye, led the meeting. Justin Aye led the American Pledge and Avery Kramme led the 4-H Pledge. The minutes were read by Justin Aye and the treasurer's report was read by Lea Aye. Old and new business was discussed. We discussed food bank donations and decided that everyone would bring 3 cans and Madisyn would bring stuffing to the next meeting hosted by the club. Meeting was adjourned.

The Mizpah Masters held their 2nd meeting on November 18, 2021 at the Catholic Church. Our Vice President, Avery Kramme led the meeting. Kaylan Reaves led the American Pledge and Madisyn Kramme led the 4-H Pledge. The minutes were read by Justin Aye and the treasurer's report was read by Lea Aye. Old and new business was discussed. We dropped off food bank donations, and at the meeting we decided to do the Angel Tree and presents for the Manor residents. Next meeting hosted by Kaylan Reaves. Meeting was adjourned.

The Mizpah Masters held their December meeting on December 2021 at the Catholic Church. Our President, Becca Aye, led the meeting. The minutes were read by Justin Aye and the treasurer's report was read by Lea Aye. Old and new business was discussed. We put together gift bags for the residents at the Manor. Next meeting hosted by Krystin Kramme. Meeting was adjourned.

Madisyn Kramme, Reporter


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