Gracious Space Was Well... Gracious

By PR Extension Office

The Gracious Space Holiday Mixer held last week as a prelude to Big Sky, Big Leadership captured the essence of spirit, setting, inviting the stranger and learning in public – the four tenants of the Gracious Space leadership program, which were introduced by Katie Weaver, MSU Extension Associate Specialist for Community and Leadership Development.

Community members joined together for learning and connection during the training held at the Broadus Community Center last week. The program was planned by the steering committee members Missy Billing with the Powder River Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture, Katie Riley-Copelan with The Body Shop and Extension Agents Mary Rumph and Julie Riley. The Gracious Space leadership training was offered to help people in their work, organization and personal life. The highly effective leadership tools are valuable in building a framework for working with conflict and in building collaborations in any setting.

"This stuff works," explained Weaver, who has taught leadership programs throughout the state for the last five years.

"Take a minute to think about "how you are showing up" – that is the "spirit" component," stated Weaver.

The setting is vital to the task at hand...people need to feel welcome and comfortable to learn and to share, she explained. "Inviting the Stranger" is a way to avoid group think; to be open to new ideas and to LISTEN with intention. Diversity helps to strengthen the planning process and can be accomplished by asking the question, "who are we missing at the table?". "Learning in Public", the fourth tenant of Gracious Space, encourages all who are present to provide insight and life experiences to contribute to the thinking and growing process... we learn from each other in a safe and supportive environment, explained Weaver.

Gracious Space originated from the Center for Ethical Leadership and the curriculum was created by Patricia Hughes. In a recent newsletter, Hughes explained the need for grace over the past year. "We need grace in so many ways...We serve grace by listening; by seeking to understand rather than react; by letting others go first; by not being so hard on ourselves; by creating authentic inclusion and access; by creating a learning mindset where vulnerability and mistakes are safe; by using different ideas and innovating," said Hughes.

"Big Sky, Big Leadership is the next exciting opportunity," explained Missy Billing at the conclusion of the evening. It will consist of five 6-hour sessions held between January and the end of May. The sessions will have three components: building leadership skills, community-based experiences and a group project to benefit the community. The cost is $150, and registration is due January 3rd, 2022. Go to to register. Call the MSU Extension Office at 436-2424 for more information.


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