Powder River Co. Sheriff’s Office
Steven Grinder Jr, Fairfax, VA, speeding in restricted zone (73/65) $55.
Jason Oster, Williston, ND, stop sign violation, $85.
Ubai Jawad, Billings, MT, speeding in restricted zone (95/65) $105.
Leon Thurston, Vero Beach, FL, speeding in restricted zone (45/30) $65.
Edirisa Ntege, Beverly, MA, speeding in restricted zone (91/65) $105.
Ion Munteanu, Asheville, NC, speeding in restricted zone (43/30), pled guilty, $65.
John Trusler, Ashland, MT, disorderly conduct, pled guilty, $95.
Joshua Rumph, Biddle, MT, owner permitting oper. of veh. w/o liability ins, $285.
Richard Smith, Riverdale, GA, speeding in restricted zone (88/65) $95.
Pacho Alexander, Maple, FL, speeding in restricted zone (85/65) $85.
Allan McNab, Hyde Park, MA, speeding in restricted zone (85/65) $85.
Yevgeniy Maytak, Everett, WA, speeding in restricted zone (89/65) $95.
Eldon Krebs, Gordon, NE, speeding in restricted zone (90/65) $95.
Heather Seltzer, Reading, PA, speeding in restricted zone (80/65) $65.
Julian Albright, Glen Allen, VA, improper passing- passing in no passing zone, $85.
Levon Habener, Billings, MT, operate w/ expired registration, $85.
Chase Brooks, Anaconda, MT, speeding in restricted zone (85/65) $85.
Bethany Clements, Seattle, WA, speeding in restricted zone (80/65) $65.
Brandon Wellman, Seattle, WA, speeding in restricted zone (93/65) $105.
Jason Donner, Broadus, MT, driving MV while susp/revoked, $285.
Detorio Brown, Hardwick, GA, speeding in restricted zone (65/50) $65.
Miriam Thorsted, Christmas Valley, OR, speeding in restricted zone (83/65) $85.
Joseph Carlson, Lafayette, IN, speeding in restricted zone (85/65) $85.
Devin Smith, Buffalo, SD, driving w/o valid DL, $235.
Cheyenne Foote, Ashland, MT, speeding in restricted zone (91/65) $105.
Cheyenne Foote, Ashland, MT, operate MV w/o liability insurance, $285.
Jennifer Frechette, Seattle, WA, speeding in restricted zone (75/65) $55.
Brett Janecek, Billings, MT, speeding in restricted zone (80/65) $65.
Daniel Ewing, Perrysburg, OH, speeding in restricted zone (75/65) $55.
Heber Chacon Chavez, Omaha, NE, seatbelt violation, $20.
Heber Chacon Chavez, Omaha, NE, driving w/o valid DL, $235.
Montes Westfield, Cleveland, TN, driving CMV while CDL is revoked/ susp, pled guilty, $285.
Montes Westfield, Cleveland, TN, no driver shall be on duty & possess/be under influence of drugs or other substances, dismissed by State.
Adrian Acosta, Lynwood, WA, speeding in restricted zone (75/65) $55.
Scott Van Beek, Inwood, IA, speeding in restricted zone (94/65) $105.
Jose Moralez, Spearman, TX, daytime speeding (80/70) $20.
John Woods, Titusville, PA, speeding in restricted zone (88/65) $95.
Mukhammed Azizullaev, Auburn, WA, speeding in restricted zone (75/65) $55.
Mukhammed Azizullaev, Auburn, WA, seatbelt violation, $20.
Patricia Hughes, Rapid City, SD, speeding in restricted zone (75/65) $55.
Troy Howard, Rapid, City, SD, speeding in restricted zone (80/65) $65.
Marcos Arroyo, Plano, TX, speeding in restricted zone (87/65) $95.
Samuel Roosma, Hot Springs, MT, speeding in restricted zone (90/65) $95.
Charlotte Peterson, Bloomington, MN, speeding in restricted zone (88/65) $95.
Montana Dept. GVW
Glen Robbins, Cheyenne, WY, exceed 34,000 lbs. tandem axle weight limit, $285.
Rex Biehler, Cheyenne, WY, exceed 34,000 lbs. tandem axle weight limit, $435.
Brett Corbin, Minot, ND, exceed 34,000 lbs. tandem axle weight limit, $335.
Lee Heiss, Waterford, OH, fail to follow cond. of special permit, $135.
Donald Brager, Gillette, WY, fail to follow direction to be weighed, dismissed by State, refiled in Custer Co.
Donald Brager, Gillette, WY, no logbook in possession, dismissed by State, refiled in Custer Co.
Donald Brager, Gillette, WY, fail to follow cond. of special permit, dismissed by State, refiled in Custer Co.
Ali Khuseinov, Prospect Hts., IL, oper. w/o temp. special fuel permit, $85.
Bradley Starks, Russell, KS, exceeding 102” width limit, $85.
John Ogilvie, Cheyenne, WY, log not current, $135.
Levi Stwell, Andover, KS, fail to follow cond. of special permit, $135.
Larry Ellgen, Craig, CO, exceed 34,000 lbs. tandem axle wt. limit, $210.
Ahmed Hilowleh, Fife, WA, false log, $285.
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