Elementary News

By Broadus Schools Principal Denise Ternes

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held Tuesday, November 9th, 3:30-7:00 p.m. and Thursday, November 11th, 2:30 to 6 p.m.

Red Ribbon Week Activities - October 25-29, 2021. Monday- “I’ll wear camo to hide from tobacco!”- Dress in your favorite camouflage. Tuesday- “Don’t drift towards drugs there's other things to do in the sea”- Dress in beach wear- Follow dress code! Wednesday- “Show your true colors...Don’t do drugs!”- Wear your class’s colors: Kindergarten- Blue, 1st Grade- Purple, 2nd Grade- Red, 3rd Grade- Green, 4th Grade- Yellow, 5th Grade- Orange, 6th Grade- Pink, Specialists- Turquoise. Thursday- “I would rather be ropin’ than smokin & chewin’!”- Wear your best western attire. Friday- “I’d rather get candy than drugs!”- Halloween costume dress up. Teachers determine if costumes will be put on in the afternoon. Check with your child’s teacher for expectations.

Elementary Halloween Costume Rules: Costumes must conform to the School Dress Code. Costumes should not cause a disruption to the school program. No weapons, toy weapons, or props replicating weapons are to be brought to school. No props or equipment that are unsafe. No costumes are allowed that completely hide the identity of the student, such as a gorilla suit or the “Scream” movie character. Costumes must not impair a student’s vision or movement. No Halloween masks are permitted in classrooms, although masks that do not obscure identity or impair vision may be permitted if your classroom teacher allows it. Costumes should not depict horror characters, gangs, or be scary. Aim for “positive costumes.” Students are encouraged to dress up as historical characters or delicious food items. If you are not sure, don’t wear it. If you have questions, contact Mrs. Ternes.


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