Quilt Club Makes Projects For Manor Residents

By Pat Ridenour

Over the summer months, Stitch and Chatter Quilt Club members have been busy making articles as a community service project for Powder River Manor residents. They have been the recipients of three projects this year.

Dawn Mraz made 5 covers for urinal bags and led the Quilt Club members in a workshop to make walker bags to carry personal items from one place to another. Twenty walker bags were made and delivered to the Manor.

Pat Ridenour headed a workshop to turn out pillowcases for the Manor. Cathy Ruland showed how to make the Burrito style case as well. Over twenty pillowcases were made and delivered to the Manor during a phase of no visitation to the Manor.

The pillowcases were suggested by a staff member to Phyllis Wilson as a project to brighten the spirits of the residents during the COVID-19 lockdown. Phyllis has been a longtime valued member of Quilt Club and has chosen to work from home on these projects and still stay involved.

In return, Quilt Club members were pleased to receive a thank you card signed by all Manor residents for these items. The club members really appreciated the card.

Stitch and Chatter Quilt Club is a service organization and has made quilt donations to numerous entities in the past. We have been unable to have a quilt show the last couple years and will have to see if circumstances will allow the production of a future show.

As summer winds down I'm sure the sewing machines will be humming even louder come late fall!


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