Scramble 4 a Cure Coming Up Next Weekend

By Tyler Gardner

The 17th annual Scramble 4 a Cure is August 6 and 7th at Rolling Hills Golf Course. We have spots available on Friday with a tee time at 10:30. Saturday is currently full with a tee time at 9. An auction will take place on Friday evening after the tournament with featured items four Black Friday passes to “The Golf Club at Devils Tower”, the Scramble golf cart and cart space for 2022 season at Rolling Hills Golf Course, and a custom made bench by John Schoenbech. Saturday we will wrap up the day with the always popular golf club raffle.

Putting on these events takes a lot of work and we would like to give special thanks to the Rolling Hills Golf Course board, and grounds crew for such a great course to host this tournament. Lots of families and individuals step up to make this happen, thank you to all!

I would like to give a huge Thank You to Dave Richards! His creation of the Spencer Damn Tournament got me involved in golf and inspired me to create the Scramble 4 a Cure. Thank you Dave for all you have done for the course and community!

All proceeds raised benefits our local cancer fund. In the last 12 months we have sent $1200 to 26 individuals in our Southeastern Montana community fighting cancer, for a total of $31,200.00.

Thanks again for all of the community support in raising money for our Cancer Fund.


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