June 30, 2021
Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with Lee Randall, Donna Giacometto, and John Olson present.
The meeting was called to order. No public comment was received at this time. Consent agenda was approved.
Pat Phillippi, Treasurer, stopped in to inform board there will be a delay in the new statements being finalized due to HB218. When the ST of MT clears up the wording, Tyler Tech will be able to finalize the billing.
Commissioner Randall reported a load of jet fuel will be here tomorrow.
Dick Jesse, Jesse Ambulance Service, met with board to review the lease agreement. The lease agreement was signed by the commissioners and Mr. Jesse, and it will be recorded.
Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, met with board to discuss encroachment issue by the county yards and Shilo Capp’s property. Blakeman Propane has leased the land owned by Mr. Capp and is requesting an encroachment by the county to enter the property on the north side by the county’s large parking area. Commissioner Randall will agenda this issue for the next meeting.
Discussion on the ambulance fee schedule was discussed. Shane Copps was present. Copps presented a fee schedule. Commissioners will review the schedule and agenda a resolution to set fees.
County residents met with board to request an easement from the county for the electric and phone access to their property located in Powder River County. At this time neighbors of the residents are denying easements of lines. Forest Service requires an environmental study to set new line which takes up to two years. Commissioners will contact the attorney and look at the proposal and see how to proceed.
After hearing no further public comment meeting was adjourned.
July 6, 2021
Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with Lee Randall, Donna Giacometto, and John Olson present.
Meeting was called to order. No public comment was received at this time. Consent agenda was approved.
Resolution 2021-23, Resolution to establish airport fuel rates was read and discussed. Donna Giacometto motioned to approve, John Olson seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
The transportation meeting began at 10:00 a.m. with Jim Hansen, Jim Kolka, Jessica Rumph and Molly Lloyd present.
The board then discussed county insurance. John Olson motioned to stay with MACO Insurance Company, Donna Giacometto seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
Resolution 2021-24, Resolution to establish fee schedule for ambulance fund. The board read and reviewed, and Donna Giacometto motioned to approve, John Olson seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
The board then reviewed and discussed the Library Board position vacancy. After discussion the board appointed Dee Stuver unanimously.
Pat Phillippi, Treasurer, met with board to review monthly bookkeeping that needs to be presented to the commissioners on a monthly basis per the auditor. The board presented a sample packet of what needs to be presented to the commission.
Cynde Jo Gatlin, Clerk & Recorder, met with board to discuss EMS program and county contracts that are still needing to be signed. Gatlin will meet again with the commissioners at their next meeting to update on what she finds out on EMS being on payroll.
Donna Giacometto reported to the board she attended a fire call meeting on June 22, a Zoom meeting with the nursing home on July 1, 2 & 3 and she attended a Heath Advisory Board meeting on June 22.
No public comment was heard at this time.
Meeting adjourned.
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