By Melissa Sturtz-Haab
Dick and Mary Sturtz recently attended the graduation of their granddaughter Amanda Haab in Helena, Montana. Amanda graduated as a valedictorian and BEAR award recipient from Capital High School on June 5th. Amanda is a Montana State University Presidential Scholar and plans to attend the honors program at MSU in the fall to study microbiology and economics. She was recognized by the College Board National Recognition Programs as a rural and small-town scholar.
While in high school Amanda was the President of the clubs Bruin Pure Performance and Business Professional of America, Vice President of National Honor Society, and captain on the varsity track and field team. She also participated in volleyball and swim team. She was in orchestra and earned superior ratings at State Musical Festivals for both piano and violin solos. Amanda serves her church as a musician and youth leader. Amanda is the daughter of Kent and Melissa Haab of Helena.
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