4th of July activities kicked off last Friday with a home run derby, with 18 entries in the men's division, and nine in the lady's division. The overall home run champion was Wrye Williams, and the women's longest ball champ was Libby Nisley.
On Saturday, the 5 mile Freedom Run was won by long time long distance runner Joan Jilka, and the 1 mile was won by Trace Emmons. Full results may be found in the Freedom Run article in this issue.
A softball tournament kicked off early Saturday morning, continuing through Sunday, with eight teams playing in the tourney, and a total of 93 players. The "Home Wreckers", consisting of Nick D'Ardvini, Troy Amsden, Clay LaPlant, Witt Williams, Wrye Williams, Tanner Oblander, Lee Turnbough, Wyatt Williams, Lauren Kutt, Laiten Williams, Heather LaPlant, and Mike Williams won the tournament with a 7 to 5 win over, the "Pancake Batters".
A street dance in downtown Broadus with music by Way Out West finished out the night on Saturday.
On the 4th, a community church service in Broadus kicked things off in the park, followed by a parade around the courthouse. In a contrast to many previous years, the entries traveled counter-clockwise around the courthouse, as opposed to the regular clockwise pass and review.
The theme of the parade "4th of July-It's a Family Tradition" was well demonstrated by the Mills Auction Service float, featuring a large contingent of the Mills family, and honoring parade Grand Marshals, Slug Mills, and Charlee & Beau Kuhbacher. The Mills Auction float, featuring four generations of the Mills family, was the winning float.
A Color Guard from Broadus VFW Post 1595 with Marty Drane carrying the American flag, Matt Zellers with the VFW flag, Mike and Megan Stephens as Arms Bearers and Devin Boman-Commander led the parade, while a Korean War era M37 pickup driven by Russ Kinzer and owned by Clint Pedersen followed.
Other entries included a float featuring VFW Post 1595 Auxiliary, with members of the VFW and Auxiliary manning the float, members of the Broadus Volunteer Fire Department in their fire trucks, driven by Casey Slovek, Cody Stuchlick, and Lee Turnbough, Ernie Stillman, driving his 1969 Chevelle and representing the Broadus Class of 1961, Robin Reames 1990 Mercedes Benz 560 SEL, Scott Torgerson's 1977 Chevy Van, and his 2011 SS Camaro, Tim Herzog driving a 1974 Ford Elite Gran Torino, Chantz Lambert driving a 1972 Chevelle SS, and Delaney Ruland and Tenley Yonkee rode their bikes. Delaney is the youngest museum volunteer!
Additional entries included, Horizon Marketing, third place winning Gatlin Construction, Mayoral Candidate Chad Gatlin, dressed as Uncle Sam and riding a mini bike, the Montana Bar, the Hammond Helpers 4-H Club, Western Chick, Alderman Oil, featuring a sign denoting 44 years of business, Lester Aye in a 1960 International, the NJHK Menagerie goats, and the number two winning entry, Evan & Jessica Rumph and family, all horseback and representing the Biddle School. Their horse George, at 36 years old, walked in the parade.
Due to the numerous fire starts over the weekend, the choice was made to cancel the fireworks show on B-Hill. A rain storm came through early in the evening, which helped prevent any further starts from locals lighting off fireworks, and the overall scene the night of the 4th was one of relative peace and quiet – perhaps the fire danger quelled the burning desires of many for a pyrotechnic exhibition.
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